How to Filter Data Using the List Filter Web Part

How to Filter Data Using the List Filter Web Part

Filter Data Using List Filter Web Part

Calendar Plus allows the user to filter calendar data via the List Filter Web Part in case of a single list.

Note: If the calendar is set up to display multiple lists, it is not possible to connect to a List Filter Web Part and you will receive the following notification.


To connect and configure a List Filter Web Part, follow the procedures described below after you add the List Filter web part to the page.

Connecting the List Filter Web Part to Calendar Plus

Step Action Result
1. From the List Filter Web Part’s Edit menu, Select Connections > Provide filter value to > Bamboo *Calendar Plus.


NOTE: You can also connect by editing Calendar Plus and selecting Connections > Consume Filter From > Bamboo List Filter Web Part.

Filtering via the List Filter Web Part

Step Action Result
1. The List Filter Web Part must be connected to a SharePoint List Web Part before it can be configured. Otherwise, you’ll see this message in the tool pane when you attempt to configure the web part. hw6126.jpg
2. If you haven’t already done so, add the Web Part that should receive filtered data to the current page.
3. From the Site Actions page, select Edit Page.

From the List Filter Web Part’s Edit menu, select Connections > Send Filter Values To > (your destination Web Part).

NOTE: You can also do this from the destination Web Part, by selecting Connections > Consume Filter From > Bamboo List Filter Web Part.

5. Once you have established the connection between the Calendar Plus and the List Filter Web Parts, you can filter calendar data by configuring the List Filter Web Part and entering filter value. HW6106.jpg
6. When you add the List Filter Web Part to the page, it will indicate that it needs to be configured, as shown here. HW20_2013_ListFilter2.jpg
7. To configure the Web Part, either click the link, or, from the menu located in the top right corner of the web part, select Modify Shared Web Part. Either way, the tool pane will open. The settings are pictured below.
8. Select Calendar Plus from the drop-down menu under Select Connected List.

NOTE: No filter columns are displayed by default.

9. To add a filter column, click the Add Filter button and the following controls will display. HW20_2013_ListFilter4.jpg

First, select the target column from the drop-down menu. This is the column that the filter will be matched against. In the example below calendar data will be filtered based on Status.

NOTE: Some of the available options in the tool pane may change depending on the type of the column selected.

11. To make the default filter value “(Empty)”, select the corresponding checkbox located below the Select Target Column option.
12. Enter a name for your filter column. Click Add and then OK.

Note: You can add multiple filters and can further adjust their settings or change the order in which they are displayed for the users.

13. You can edit the filter columns by moving columns up and down, or delete them by clicking the corresponding control. When editing is done, click the Save/Update filter icon to apply your changes.
14. To activate the filter, enter filter values into one or more of the listed filter columns and click Apply Filter. To remove the filter and display all data, click Clear Filter.

This example shows the Calendar displaying tasks for all statuses set in Weekly report List View.


NOTE: If you apply the filter In Progress when connecting to the List Filter Web Part, only tasks with this specific status are displayed in the Calendar.

