Display a List Rollup Schema using the Grid View

Display a List Rollup Schema using the Grid View

Overview of the List Rollup Web Parts

To display the contents of the schema in the List Rollup Grid View Web Part once you have defined a List Rollup Schema with the List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part, follow these steps:

Step Action

Add the List Rollup Grid View Web Part to the page. To configure it, see Overview of the List Rollup Grid View Configuration Options for more information.

NOTE: After the web part is configured via its tool pane, but before the display settings are configured for the first time, users (who are NOT in the SharePoint Group which is allowed to modify the settings) will see this error in the web part display:
hw24 lrgv error msg if no rollup defined.jpg


As a user who IS in the SharePoint Group which is allowed to modify the settings of the Grid View, click Show Settings button. The Settings page is displayed.

HW24 lrgvschema name completed.jpgIn the List Rollup Schema Name section:

  • Enter a Name and Description. The name and description are automatically copied to the web part properties. Entering a description is optional; it is not displayed to end users.
  • In the Site URL box, enter the URL of a site that contains a schema configured with the Bamboo List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part and click the Load Schema button. This will populate the List Rollup Schema to Display drop-down selection list with the available schemas.

    NOTE: Site URLs can be absolute (http://domain/site) or relative (./site). Relative URLs should be used for SharePoint Web applications containing multiple Alternative Access Mappings (AAM), if the Web Part is part of a site template, or if you intend to migrate the content database in the future.

  • From the List Rollup Schema to Display drop-down, select the schema you want to display.
3. hw24 lrgv columns.jpgIn the Column section, choose the columns you want to display and the order they will appear.
4. hw24 lrgv sort.jpgIn the Sort section, configure the default sort for the data to be displayed. You can sort by up to two columns.
5. hw24 lrgv filter all.jpgIf you want to return all items defined in the schema by default, leave the default selection of Show all items in this view in the Filter section.

hw24 lrgv filter some.jpgAlternatively, click the Show items only when the following is true and then configure the filter criteria. If it takes more than two columns to define your filter criteria, click Show more columns… to add more.

6. hw24 lrgv default group.jpgIn the Group section, configure the default grouping if needed. It is possible to group by a maximum of two columns. Don’t forget to choose how to display the default grouping – collapsed or expanded.
7. hw24 lrgv item limit.jpgIn the Item Limit section, configure the number of items to display per page and also the total number of items to return. The more items per page, the slower the page load.

hw24 lrgv general settings.jpgIn the Grid View General Settings section configure what end users can do from their browser. You can allow them to Filter, Sort, Group, or Export the data displayed.

There are two export options:

  • All Export of Items to Excel. This will export all data as text, like it is exported from a regular SharePoint list view. Once it’s in Excel, you can format it as needed.
  • Export to Excel with Data Formatting. This will export formatted data to Excel, which means that dates will appear as dates in Excel. This saves time spent formatting exported data once it’s in Excel. It takes a little bit longer to export formatted data, so there is a warning note about slower performance.

When finished configuring all the sections, click the Save Data button at the bottom left corner of the page to save the configuration and close the Settings page.

All users, including those who are NOT in the SharePoint Group allowed to modify the settings, will see the newly configured rollup. At any time, users in the SharePoint Group allowed to modify the settings can modify the settings as needed. They modify the public view. Unlike the List Consolidator Web Part, there are no private views with the List Rollup Grid View Web Part.

See Manipulate the Rollup Data in the List Rollup Grid View for more information about using the Grid View from an end user perspective.

Overview of the List Rollup Web Parts