Bamboo Feature Needs to be Activated

Bamboo Feature Needs to be Activated

Ever get an error when creating a site that tells you a feature needs to be activated before you can create the site? Unfortunately, the feature that it tells you about is in the form of a GUID, so it’s not immediately helpful. If it is a SharePoint feature, you search the ID (via Google or Bing) and figure out which one it is. But if it is a Bamboo feature, search will probably not help.

How can you get a list of all the Bamboo features and their associated Feature IDs?

You can generate a report using PowerShell granted you have the appropriate permissions on your server.

Here’s the command we use on a server (CSMoss2) to get that info:

 | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -ilike "*bamboo*"} 
 | Select-Object DisplayName, Scope, ID 
 | Sort-Object scope | ConvertTo-HTML 
 | Out-file C:BambooFeatureIDS.htm

The breakdown:

  • Get-Spfeature – lists all the features in the farm
  • Where-object – shows all the features that contain “Bamboo” in the Display Name
  • Select-object – for the properties to display
  • Sort-object – sort by scope
  • Convert-HTML – converts the results to an html file
  • Out-file – puts the html file in your preferred location

The resulting file looks like this:

The variety of scopes have been highlighted and truncated for clearer display purposes.