Release Notes for Rich Text Column

Release Notes for Rich Text Column

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WSSv3/MOSS SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013
Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes
Microsoft ended mainstream support for SharePoint 2007 in October 2012. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy.
At that time, Bamboo stopped enhancements to our SharePoint 2007 product line, but continues to provide support and bug fixes to customers with active support contracts until October 2017. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2017, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2007 products in October 2016 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.
Microsoft plans to end mainstream support for SharePoint 2010 in October 2015. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy. At that time, we will stop any enhancements for our SharePoint 2010 product line but will continue to provide support and bug fixes for our SharePoint 2010 products to customers with active support contracts until October 2020. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2020, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2010 products in October 2019 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.

Bamboo Solutions has also begun releasing Bamboo Apps to the SharePoint Store, for additional details, see the SharePoint Apps & Mobile products page where you can get the latest info about each of our Apps as they release to the Microsoft Store.

A separate installation package and license key is required for SharePoint 2013 deployment. For additional details, review the following knowledge base articles:

Understanding Bamboo Releases:

  • Bamboo offers Trial, Basic and Premium support.
    • Free Trial support expires after 30 days.
    • For more information about Basic and Premium support, please see the Support Plans page.
    • There may be a fee to upgrade from a major version to another.

See Also:

Overview of Rich Text Column

Overview of Rich Text Column

Rich Text Column allows you to treat a SharePoint column as a series of word processing documents, complete with formatting, tables, styles, and embedded images. Out of the box, SharePoint lacks the ability to store the kind of readable, properly formatted text often used in full documents or articles. While you can upload entire documents into a library, those documents must be downloaded to view, and checked out to edit.

hw41c001.jpgA Rich Text Column, however, is accessible from SharePoint and can be edited in-line, just like a standard text column. When editing a Rich Text Column, however, you’ll be presented with a formatting toolbar above the normal text box.

The formatting options and editing tools are very similar to those found in popular word processing applications and many web-based text editors. A complete listing of the editing options available in a Rich Text Column is shown below.

hw41c002.jpgWhen creating or editing a Rich Text Column, these options will be available to end users, along with any of the other columns specified in the current list.

hw41c003.jpgOnce data is entered and saved into a Rich Text Column, the formatted text will continue to be displayed in the standard list view, as shown below.

Migrating the Rich Text Column from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

Migrating the Rich Text Column from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

Be sure you have at least the Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release (shown in the table below) installed before migrating. If not, upgrade your Bamboo product release before migrating. For more information, see Upgrading your Bamboo Web Part. Also, the target SharePoint 2013 farm requires at least the Minimum SharePoint 2013 product release shown.

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: When migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, the Database Attach Upgrade Method is the only method supported.

Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release 10.3.27 Minimum SharePoint 2013 Product Release
Database Attach Upgrade Method
Issues The Rich Text Column migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A

Migrating Rich Text from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Migrating Rich Text from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Be sure you have at least the Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release (shown in the table below) installed before migrating. If not, upgrade your Bamboo product release before migrating. For more information, see Upgrading your Bamboo Web Part. Also, the target SharePoint 2010 farm requires at least the Minimum SharePoint 2010 product release shown.

Icon-Warning IMPORTANT: When migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, you MUST select the option to change existing SharePoint sites to use the new user experience. Your Bamboo products will not perform as expected with the old look and feel.

Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release 1.3.9 Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release 10.3.14
In-Place Upgrade
Issues The Rich Text Column migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A
Database Attach Upgrade Method
Issues After migrating to SharePoint 2010, the user will see the following error message in the Rich Text Column control:

The Web application at [Site URL] could not be found. Verify that you have typed
the URL correctly. If the URL should be servicing existing content, the system
administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application.
Resolution To resolve this issue, perform the following actions:

  1. Update the Picture Library Site URL in the Rich Text Column settings to point to the new SharePoint 2010 site URL.
  2. Modify the source code of each item’s value in the Rich Text Column that has an image reference to the old SharePoint farm.

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Overview of the localization process for Bamboo Products

Bamboo applications and custom columns are slightly different than web parts when it comes to localizing/translating. The user interface isn’t confined to a web part, but can exist as site definitions or other custom pages. For example, the configuration of a Bamboo custom column is within the SharePoint list settings area.
The text strings that require translation are located in different files than the strings that appear in a web part.

Changing the language or text for an application or custom column is a multi-step process:


About the Language Files

Text displayed in a Bamboo application may be included in one or both of the following locations:

  • Provisioning Resources. These resources are located in the 12, 14, or 15 “Hive”, in the Resources folder. The number of the Hive depends on the version of SharePoint you are using (e.g., SP2007 has a 12 Hive, SP2010 has a 14 Hive, and SP2013 has a 15 Hive). 14Hiveresources.jpg

    The Bamboo.*.resx files include text used in site features, site definitions, list definitions, and other provisioning resource elements. Any changes you make in these files will apply to new product instances only.

  • Application/Runtime Resources. These are also located in the 12, 14, or 15 Hive, but in the CONFIGResources folder.The Bamboo.*.resx file in the CONFIG folder is different than the one included in the Resource folder.14HiveCONFIGResources.jpg This one includes text used in application pages, custom site menu actions, navigation elements, and other runtime resources. Any changes you make will apply to new and existing product instances only.

In each location, there may be multiple versions of Bamboo.*.resx files with identical content. The different files are provided for English (en-US), German (de-DE), French (fr-FR), and Spanish (es-ES). The content of all files is in English until you translate it to your language. If your site is configured to use a language that does not have a corresponding Bamboo product .resx file, copy an existing file and rename it to include the culture name for that language pack. For example, create a file for Italian by saving the default file as Bamboo.[Product].it-IT.resx. Make your changes to this new file. If your site is configured to use a specific language but you do not have a culture-specific file, the product will use the default Bamboo.[Product].resx file instead.

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: If you customize one of the default resource files provided with the product, your changes will be overwritten when you upgrade.

To avoid losing customizations, copy the customized file to a different location (not the same folder) before upgrading. After the upgrade is finished, compare the new file with your customized file to incorporate any new entries. Then copy the merged file to the Resources folder. Culture-specific files created for languages that are not provided with the product will not be overwritten during an upgrade, but you still need to incorporate new resource entries.


Editing text in resource files

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: Before making any changes, back up your original file to a different folder.

To change text in a resource file, open it in a text editor and locate the text you want to change. Editable text is usually found between the <value></value> tags, as shown in the screen shot below. Do not modify the data tag. If you want to remove text completely, delete only the text; do not delete the <data> or <value> entries from the file, or the server will display an error message. In the example below, the editable text is highlighted in gray.


When you are finished with your changes, save the file and copy it to the appropriate Resources *folder on *all Web front-end servers in your SharePoint farm. Follow the instructions below to make your changes take effect.


Applying Language File Updates

To apply changes to Provisioning Resource Files:

If you modified the provisioning resources file, apply your changes by restarting Web services with the following command on all Web front-end servers.


NOTE: changes to provisioning resources affect new instances of the Bamboo product only; existing instances of the product are not updated.

To apply changes to Application/Runtime Resource Files:

If you modified the application/runtime resources file, apply your changes by executing the following stsadm command on all Web front-end servers. This command copies the updated resource file to the App_GlobalResources folder of each Web application. Changes apply to existing product instances and any new instances you create.

stsadm -o CopyAppBinContent

NOTE: Changes apply to EXISTING product instances AND any new instances you create.

How to Manage Images for Rich Text Column

How to Manage Images for Rich Text Column

In addition to supporting formatted text, styles, and tables, Rich Text fields also allow users to upload and store images in a SharePoint Picture Library without ever directly accessing it themselves.

Column Description Result
1. Click hw41c027.jpg the Insert Image button. The Image Manager dialog will open.
2. Select an image to add. You have a variety of choices from where to select the image. Follow the next set of instructions depending upon where your image is located.
To add an image from a Picture Library When the Rich Text Column was set up, the administrator set the default Image URL.
Although you can add an image from any library by entering its URL into the Image URL field, it will always default to the Picture Library associated during setup.

To add an image from this library, simply navigate and select it from the list on the left side of the dialog.
To upload a local image

Select the Upload Image tab on the top of the Image Manager dialog.
Click Browse, and select the image you want to use.
Click Upload.

Note: The image will be uploaded to the location listed in the Directory field (the associated Picture Library by default), and will be automatically selected on the Image Manager screen.

Click Insert to add the picture.

3. Once a picture has been added, it can be resized and edited from the Rich Text editor. To re-size an image

Select it and drag the white re-sizing handles that appear.

To change an image’s properties, such as size, border, and alignment, right-click on the image, and click Set Image Properties to open the Image Properties dialog.

4. When you are finished changing Image Properties, click OK.
To discard any changes, click Cancel.
Saves or discards your changes.