Modify TTM column display names

Modify TTM column display names

TTM Configuration Overview Time Tracking checklist

Time Tracking and Management (TTM) lets you customize the column names displayed in the Timesheet Entry and Timesheet Report Web Parts.

Keep in mind:

  • This is an optional step in the Time Tracking configuration checklist
  • You can restrict access to the Timesheet Columns Configuration list using SharePoint permissions.

    • More information on permissions in TTM is available here
  • Information on how to hide columns from the Timesheet Entry display is available here

To change the column display names:

Step Action
1. Go the Site Content and click the Timesheet Columns Configuration list


Click the Rename Display Columns link in the Time Tracking configuration checklist


The list displays the default columns found in the TTM Timesheets lists.

  • Click the column name that you want to have displayed in the Timesheet Entry Web Part
    and in repots by a different name

    Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: Additional columns cannot be added to the Timesheet Entry display

3. In the Mapping Column Name fields, replace with default name with the name you would like displayed in the Timesheet Entry and reports, then click Save
Alias mapping field
4. The column alias will be shown in the Mapping Column Name column.List display with modified column alias mapping

This column alias will be automatically used in both the Timesheet Entry and TTM Report Web PartsTimesheet Entry column selection

NOTE: For information on hiding columns from the Timesheet Entry Web Part click here]

To return to the Time Tracking configuration checklist, use the Time Tracking link in the TTM quick launch menu

Icon-Tip To mark this item as complete in the checklist, click the
Mark as Complete button for the item.
More information on using the checklist is available here

TTM Configuration Overview Time Tracking checklist

Modify an existing view of TTM Report

Modify an existing view of TTM Report

Return to Overview of TTM Report Center

All report views are based on the Timesheets list. If you want to modify the parameters of an existing view, editing the view in that list will also change it in the Report Center. Changing a view in the Timesheets list will change it for all reports that use that view. For example, if you want to exclude timesheets for a specific department from all timesheet reports, do the following:

Step Action Result
1. Click the Site Contents link in the Quick Launch menu, or go to Site Settings > Site Contents.
2. In the Lists section, click the Timesheets list. TS-Lists.bmp
SharePoint 2013 lists are shown as apps
3. In the Browse ribbon, select the view you want to modify from the view drop-down list in the site breadcrumb, such as All Items, and then click Modify this View. ModifyView.bmp
To modify a view in SharePoint 2013, you need to select the ribbon option “Manage Views” and from there you can modify the view of either All Items or any of the Public views that Bamboo provides.
4. In the Filter settings, add the filter you want, such as set a particular view to be the default. View.bmp
5. Click OK to save the view.
6. Repeat these steps for all views you want to modify. If you want to change a filter for all reports, you should modify all list views.
When you return to the Report Center and select a report, any report that includes the modified view will reflect the changes you made.

Managing alerts in TTM

Managing alerts in TTM

TTM Control Panel Time Tracking Checklist

Time Tracking and Management (TTM) comes with pre-configured alerts that allow the application to automatically send notifications to timesheet managers and resources.

When working with TTM Alerts, keep in mind:

  • All TTM alerts are disabled by default.
  • Enabling alerts is an optional step in the Time Tracking configuration checklist

  • You can modify existing alerts or create new alerts as necessary

  • Bamboo Alert Plus is used to manage the alerts.

  • Information on the predefined alerts that come with TTM is available here

Working with TTM Alerts

Alerts Setup link in TTM Access the alerts page from the Alerts Setup link in the TTM control panel


the link in the Time Tracking Configuration Checklist.

This requires you to have Full Control or Design permissions on the TTM site.

# Function
TTM Alerts Setup page
1. Title

Displays the available alerts that can be managed from the Alert Plus Web Part.

Alert Status
This column shows you if the alert is enabled. If it is disabled, no alerts will be sent.

Enable Alert optionsTo enable an alert either:

  • Click the Alert Title to access the Edit Screen
  • Click the Enable radio button
  • Click Save and Close


  • Click enable in the alert’s context menu
    This option was added in Alert Plus 4.0 which is included in TTM 2.5

Last Run Date

This column shows you the date the timer job last processed this alert.

NOTE: This date isn’t necessarily the last time an email was sent. An email is not always sent every time an alert is processed. Sometimes no items match the alert criteria when an alert is processed and therefore no emails are sent.

Icon-Tip If you never see a value in the Last Run Status column even though the alert is enabled, that indicates that the timer jobs are not running. Click here for troubleshooting information.


Last Run Status
This column shows you the current status of the alert. It will report:

  • Running when the timer job is running.
  • Success when the timer job completes with no errors.
  • Failure or an Error Code when the timer job stops due to an error. Generally, the specific error will be listed here to help troubleshoot.

Icon-Tip Sometimes you may notice that an alert is reporting Running for an unusually long time. This may be an indication of an error with the timer job and no error was reported. This happens when the job times out – no error is reported, but the alert status is never updated to indicate that the job is stalled. Click here for troubleshooting information.


Context Menu
Use the alerts context menu to help manage the item:

  • Enable/Disable. Clicking on the Enable option item will enable a disabled alert. Clicking on the Disable options will disable an enabled alert.
    This option was added in Alert Plus 4.0 which is included in TTM 2.5

  • Edit. Choose Edit Item from the context menu or just click the hyperlink associated with the alert Title to access the alert for editing.
  • Copy. Choose Copy Item to quickly create a second alert similar to the first. Once the copy is created, edit it to change any parameters. This is a useful tool if you want to copy an existing alert so you can send it to another group while keeping all the other parameters the same.
  • Delete. Choose Delete Item to delete the alert.

    NOTE: Deleting default TTM alerts is not recommended.

TTM Control Panel Time Tracking Checklist

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Overview of the localization process for Bamboo Products

Bamboo applications and custom columns are slightly different than web parts when it comes to localizing/translating. The user interface isn’t confined to a web part, but can exist as site definitions or other custom pages. For example, the configuration of a Bamboo custom column is within the SharePoint list settings area.
The text strings that require translation are located in different files than the strings that appear in a web part.

Changing the language or text for an application or custom column is a multi-step process:


About the Language Files

Text displayed in a Bamboo application may be included in one or both of the following locations:

  • Provisioning Resources. These resources are located in the 12, 14, or 15 “Hive”, in the Resources folder. The number of the Hive depends on the version of SharePoint you are using (e.g., SP2007 has a 12 Hive, SP2010 has a 14 Hive, and SP2013 has a 15 Hive). 14Hiveresources.jpg

    The Bamboo.*.resx files include text used in site features, site definitions, list definitions, and other provisioning resource elements. Any changes you make in these files will apply to new product instances only.

  • Application/Runtime Resources. These are also located in the 12, 14, or 15 Hive, but in the CONFIGResources folder.The Bamboo.*.resx file in the CONFIG folder is different than the one included in the Resource folder.14HiveCONFIGResources.jpg This one includes text used in application pages, custom site menu actions, navigation elements, and other runtime resources. Any changes you make will apply to new and existing product instances only.

In each location, there may be multiple versions of Bamboo.*.resx files with identical content. The different files are provided for English (en-US), German (de-DE), French (fr-FR), and Spanish (es-ES). The content of all files is in English until you translate it to your language. If your site is configured to use a language that does not have a corresponding Bamboo product .resx file, copy an existing file and rename it to include the culture name for that language pack. For example, create a file for Italian by saving the default file as Bamboo.[Product].it-IT.resx. Make your changes to this new file. If your site is configured to use a specific language but you do not have a culture-specific file, the product will use the default Bamboo.[Product].resx file instead.

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: If you customize one of the default resource files provided with the product, your changes will be overwritten when you upgrade.

To avoid losing customizations, copy the customized file to a different location (not the same folder) before upgrading. After the upgrade is finished, compare the new file with your customized file to incorporate any new entries. Then copy the merged file to the Resources folder. Culture-specific files created for languages that are not provided with the product will not be overwritten during an upgrade, but you still need to incorporate new resource entries.


Editing text in resource files

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: Before making any changes, back up your original file to a different folder.

To change text in a resource file, open it in a text editor and locate the text you want to change. Editable text is usually found between the <value></value> tags, as shown in the screen shot below. Do not modify the data tag. If you want to remove text completely, delete only the text; do not delete the <data> or <value> entries from the file, or the server will display an error message. In the example below, the editable text is highlighted in gray.


When you are finished with your changes, save the file and copy it to the appropriate Resources *folder on *all Web front-end servers in your SharePoint farm. Follow the instructions below to make your changes take effect.


Applying Language File Updates

To apply changes to Provisioning Resource Files:

If you modified the provisioning resources file, apply your changes by restarting Web services with the following command on all Web front-end servers.


NOTE: changes to provisioning resources affect new instances of the Bamboo product only; existing instances of the product are not updated.

To apply changes to Application/Runtime Resource Files:

If you modified the application/runtime resources file, apply your changes by executing the following stsadm command on all Web front-end servers. This command copies the updated resource file to the App_GlobalResources folder of each Web application. Changes apply to existing product instances and any new instances you create.

stsadm -o CopyAppBinContent

NOTE: Changes apply to EXISTING product instances AND any new instances you create.

How to Submit Timesheets for Approval

How to Submit Timesheets for Approval

During the timesheet reporting period, you can enter hours each day and save your timesheet. At the end of the timesheet period, submit it to your timesheet manager for review and approval. To be able to submit a timesheet, your account must be configured with a Timesheet Manager.

sa12a-submitbutton.jpgWhen you are ready to submit your time for approval, click the Submit button at the top of the timesheet. You will be prompted to enter comments for this timesheet period (optional).

Submitting a timesheet triggers the following actions:

  • If working hours validation is configured, the number of hours you entered per day or the total number of hours on the timesheet (whichever is configured for validation) will be verified.
  • If the number of hours you entered exceeds the number of hours allowed, you must correct your error before the timesheet can be submitted.

NOTE: If you are allowed to work overtime, this step is skipped.

  • If validation succeeds (or is not required), the timesheet Status is updated to Submitted.
  • The timesheet is routed to your timesheet manager. If you have a secondary timesheet manager, your timesheet is submitted to that person as well; either manager can approve your timesheet.
  • If alerts are enabled, your timesheet manager(s) will be notified by email that there is a new timesheet for review.
  • On your home page, the number of submitted timesheets is updated.

sa12a-submittedtimesheets.jpgYou can also view submitted timesheets that are waiting for approval by clicking the My Submitted Timesheets link in the Quick Launch menu. This view displays a summary for each timesheet that was submitted. To view timesheet details, click the Period link at the top of the timesheet.

To learn how to approve timesheets as a timesheet manager, see Approving and Rejecting Timesheets.

How to Enter Time in TTM

How to Enter Time in TTM

Time Tracking and Management allows you to enter hours spent on administrative and project tasks. You can save time entered in your timesheet each day, or enter time all at once. When you are ready, submit your timesheet to your timesheet manager for approval. To be able to enter time in a timesheet, the following requirements must be met:

  • Your account must be configured in the Timesheet Resources list or in the Project Management Central resources list.
  • A timesheet reporting period must exist for the dates you want to enter time for.

Once these requirements are met, simply browse to the timesheet you want to complete and enter time. Details about browsing to timesheets, entering time, and saving timesheets are provided below.

For information about submitting your timesheet for approval after you have entered all time for a timesheet period, see How to Submit Timesheets for Approval.

Browse to Your Timesheet

Step Action Result
1. Click the Timesheet Entry link in the Quick Launch menu to display the timesheet that includes today’s date.

If you want to enter time for a different time period, access it using one of these methods:

  • Browse to the time period using the arrow buttons on the right side of the timesheet.
  • Click the Select Period link and enter the date you want to enter time for. The timesheet that includes that date will be displayed.
2. Your timesheet automatically includes administrative time categories, like vacation and sick time (if configured), and any tasks you are assigned to.

The header of the timesheet includes the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your primary and secondary timesheet manager (the people who can approve your timesheet)
  • The date your timesheet is due (the last day in the timesheet reporting period)
  • The time period for this timesheet
  • The total hours entered for the timesheet period
  • The total billable hours
  • Action buttons to save, submit, refresh, print, or export the timesheet
3. Refresh tasks: Before entering time, click the Refresh button at the top of the task list to refresh your list of tasks, available cost codes, and other timesheet data. sa12a-refresh.jpg
4. View task details: If you need more information about a task listed on your timesheet, click the task name to view its details. If the task is from a PM Central project, the task information from PM Central is displayed, as shown in the example here. sa12a-tasklink.jpg
5. Enter hours: To enter time for any task, click inside the box for the day you want to enter time for, in the same row as the task you worked on. Enter the time you worked in hours. Hit the Enter key or click another time entry box to continue. Repeat for each day and task you want to enter time for. sa12a-entertime.jpg
6. Select cost codes: If your administrator has configured cost codes, you will see a Cost Code column in the timesheet. Cost codes allow you to attribute time to specific cost centers or budgets. To assign a cost code to a task in your timesheet, click in the Cost Code box and select the appropriate cost code from the list. sa12a-costcodeselect.jpg
7. As you enter time, you will see your per-task and per-day totals accumulate at the right and bottom of the timesheet, with the combined total in the lower-right corner.


Note: You cannot enter time for timesheets that have been submitted. If you need to modify time for a submitted timesheet, your timesheet manager must reject it back to you.

Save your timesheet

1. Unsaved changes to your timesheet are displayed with a red triangle in the upper-left corner of the changed timesheet box. To save all timesheet changes, click the Save button at the top of the timesheet. sa12a-savetimesheet.jpg
2. When you save your timesheet, the Total and Billable hours are updated in the timesheet header, and the timesheet Status changes to Saved.


WARNING: Your timesheet is not automatically saved! If you enter time and browse away from the timesheet before saving it, any changes you made will be lost.

Highlights of Time Tracking and Management

Highlights of Time Tracking and Management

TimeTrackingandManagement.pngYou know you’re busy, but if someone asks how much time you spent on Project X, can you provide that information quickly and accurately? With Bamboo’s Time Tracking and Management, you can. Time Tracking and Management lets you report time spent on project tasks, time cost, administrative work, vacation, sick leave, or define additional custom time categories for reporting. Timesheet managers can review and approve time entered by their direct reports. Executives can view comprehensive and informative reports through various filters such as time period, department, and project.

ERRMSG: Failed to find the XML file at location 15 or 14 or ”12TemplateFeaturesBamboo.UI.Licensingfeature.xml”

ERRMSG: Failed to find the XML file at location 15 or 14 or ”12TemplateFeaturesBamboo.UI.Licensingfeature.xml”

Applies To:

  • Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010
  • SharePoint Foundation 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013


The following errors are displayed:

SP2007 Failed to find the XML file at location ’12TemplateFeaturesBamboo.UI.Licensingfeature.xml’
SP2010 Failed to find the XML file at location ’14TemplateFeaturesBamboo.UI.Licensingfeature.xml’
SP2013 Failed to find the XML file at location ’15TemplateFeaturesBamboo.UI.Licensingfeature.xml’

These errors can occur when the farm server running the Central Administration service is not running the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application service.

This has also been seen when the farm server running the Central Administration service is running the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application service, but the load balancer configuration may have caused the error.


For SP2007 For SP2010 For SP2013
In Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management, deploy bamboo.ui.licensing.wsp to all content Web Applications. In Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions, deploy bamboo.ui.licensing.wsp to all content Web Applications.

OR using STSADM for SP2007 or SP2010 run this command:

 stsadm -o deploysolution 
 -name Bamboo.UI.Licensing.wsp 

OR using PowerShell for SP2010 run this command:

-Identity Bamboo.UI.Licensing.wsp 

OR using PowerShell for SP2013 run this command:

-Identity Bamboo.UI.Licensing.wsp 
-CompatibilityLevel 15

For more information about these commands, see:

Enter Time

Enter Time

Click the Timesheet Entry link in the Quick Launch menu to display the timesheet that includes today’s date. If you want to enter time for a different time period, access it using one of these methods:

Step Action Result
1. Browse to the time period using the arrow buttons on the right side of the timesheet. ArrowSelect.jpg
2. Click the Select Period link and enter the date you want to enter time for. The timesheet that includes that date will be displayed. SelectPeriod.jpg

sa12a-timesheet.jpg Your timesheet automatically includes administrative time categories, like vacation and sick time (if configured), and any tasks you are assigned to.

The header of the timesheet includes the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your primary and secondary timesheet manager (the people who can approve your timesheet)
  • The date your timesheet is due (the last day in the timesheet reporting period)
  • The time period for this timesheet
  • The total hours entered for the timesheet period
  • The total billable hours
  • Action buttons to save, submit, refresh, print, or export the timesheet

Determine the Labor Rates that will be used in TTM

Determine the Labor Rates that will be used in TTM

TTM Control Panel Cost Tracking Checklist

CostTrackingChecklistIcon.pngWhen cost tracking has been enabled for Time Tracking and Management the resulting cost calculations reference the Cost Tracking list to determine what labor rates should be associated with selected cost codes.

Keep in mind:

  • You can restrict access to the Cost Tracking list by using SharePoint permissions. More information on permissions in TTM is available here
  • If you configured cost tracking options to obtain labor rates from PM Central, the rates in the Cost Tracking list only apply when the cost code is assigned to tasks from the Administrative Time list
    • The labor rate used for all other tasks will be the Standard Rate for the assigned resource in the PM Central Enterprise Resource Pool. For more information, see Configuring Cost Tracking for PM Central.

To create or update labor rated in the Cost Tracking list:

Links from the TTM Control PanelAccess the Cost Tracking list from the Update Labor Rates link in the Cost Tracking configuration checklist,


in the TTM Control Panel

Accessing the TTM Control Panel requires you to have Full Control or Design permissions on the TTM site.

# Function
Cost Tracking form
1. Select an existing cost code from the Cost Codes list. You should add one Cost Tracking list entry for each cost code in the Cost Code list for which you want to track costs.
2. The Billable check box is selected by default and is required if you will define a Billing Rate for work.

Error message

3. Enter the cost code rate for internal cost calculations. Companies may use an internal rate if they want to track internal cost vs. the cost billed to customers.
4. Enter the Billable Rate associated with the cost code that will be used for billable cost calculations.

Select a rate type that describes who should use this cost code. This designation is useful for managers when mapping cost codes to resources or if exported timesheet data is used to generate reports based on rate type.

Global: A rate type used by any individual, resource group, or role (e.g. Joan Harris, Engineering Department, project manager)

Individual: A rate type used by individuals (e.g. Joan Harris or Michael Scott)

Role: A rate type used by individuals with specific roles or skill sets (e.g. project manager or developer)

6. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Icon-Tip To mark this item as complete in the Cost Configuration Checklist, click Mark as Complete
More information on using the checklist is available here.

TTM Control Panel Cost Tracking Checklist

Deleting Reporting Periods

Deleting Reporting Periods

If you don’t want to use existing reporting periods or if you need to change a reporting period parameter, you can delete periods and create new ones.

NOTE: You cannot delete an existing reporting period if a timesheet has already been approved for it. If a timesheet has been approved for a period, the Period Status will be Used.

To delete reporting periods:

Step Action Result
1. In the TTM site, click All Site Content in the Quick Launch menu, or go to Site Actions > All Site Content. SA12A_DeleteTimePeriods.jpg
2. In the Lists section, click the Periods list.
3. Select the periods you want to delete and click the Delete Item button. Only delete periods with a status of Not Used.

Add Administrative Time Categories in TTM

Add Administrative Time Categories in TTM

TTM Control Panel Time Tracking Checklist

Administrative Time lets you track employee’s categorized non project hours, such as vacation or sick time, or time spent on administrative tasks such as support or maintenance activities in the Time Tracking and Management (TTM) timesheet. Each category can be set to display by default under the Administrative Time project header on user’s timesheets.

When working with TTM Administrative Time, keep in mind:

  • Admin tasks in Timesheet Entry displayThe Timesheet Entry Web Part is configured by default to reference the Administrative Time list that is created with the TTM site. This list contains the following default items:

    • Administrative
    • Sick
    • Vacation
  • You can configure the Web Part to use a custom list, rather than the default Administrative Time list.

  • Adding new Administrative Time categories is an optional item in the Time Tracking configuration checklist

  • You can restrict access to the Administrative Time list by using SharePoint permissions.
    More information on permissions in TTM is available here

To add Administrative Time categories:

Step Action
1. Site Contents links
From the TTM site, access Site Contents


use the direct link in the Time Tracking configuration checklist

2. Access the Administrative Time list.

Administrative Time List view


Click the Add new item link and populate the available fields:

Column Name Description
Title Enter a title that will be displayed for the task in the Timesheet Entry display
Status Leave the default value of Open. This field is reserved for future use.
Always Display
  • This Yes/No checkbox is selected by default and will show the item on all current and future timesheets
    • To stop displaying the item in current and future timesheets, uncheck this option.
Billing Category
  • Select a billing category for the item from the choice drop down selector.
    • This value will be displayed in the Billing Category column in the timesheet.
Work Type

Choose whether time entered for this item is working time or time spent away from work (nonworking).

For example: “Training” might be working time, but “Vacation” would be nonworking time.

Project Name
  • Enter a project name in the text field to group this task under on the timesheet.
    • The default tasks use the project name Administrative Tasks.

      Icon-Tip Pay attention to spelling as you enter the project name

Planned Work
  • To budget a specific number of time for this item, enter the planned work in hours.
    • If an item is assigned to a specific resource, enter the number of hours allocated for that resource to work on the task.
    • If the item is available for all resources (not assigned), you can enter the total number of hours budgeted for the task the entire time it will be available.

      For example: If your company allows only 500 hours per year to be charged to an “Overhead” category, you could enter 500 hours of planned work. Timesheet managers will be able to see the budgeted hours decrease throughout the year as they approve timesheets that include hours for the “Overhead” task.

Assigned To
  • Leave this field blank if the Administrative Time item can be used by all resources.
  • If the item should only be displayed on the timesheet for a specific resource(s), enter the resource name(s) in this field.
  • When the Yes/No checkbox is selected, users will be able to select a cost code for the item on their timesheets.
  • The labor rates associated with the cost code in the Cost Tracking list will be used to calculate cost.

NOTE: You can track the costs for administrative tasks when TTM is in standalone mode, and when TTM is integrated with Project Management Central

4. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Icon-Tip To mark this item as complete in the Time Tracking Configuration Checklist, click the Mark as Complete button for the item.
More information on using the checklist is available here

TTM Control Panel Time Tracking Checklist

Create a new TTM site

Create a new TTM site

TTM Configuration Overview

IconThe first step to using Time Tracking and Management (TTM) is to create a TTM site using the provided site template.

Keep in mind:

  • A TTM site should be created in an existing site collection that was created with a SharePoint Team Site at the root of the site collection.
    • You will not be able to select a TTM site to create the a site collection.
  • If the TTM site template is not available following installation you will need to confirm that the Bamboo TTM Site Template feature has been activated in your site collection.
    • For more information on the features that need to be activated, click here.
  • When integrating TTM with PM Central the TTM site needs to be created in same site collection as the PM Central site.

To create a TTM site:

Step Action Result
1. In the desired site collection, navigate to the Site Contents page and locate the link to create a new site. SP 2010 & 2013 new site links
2. Enter a Title and URL for the new site Create site page
3. From the Custom tab select Time Tracking and Management Site then, complete the form and click Create Custom tab
4. Your new Time Tracking and Management site is now ready to configure. Site configuration message

Icon-TipUse the link in the welcome message to access the Time Tracking configuration checklist

TTM Configuration Overview

Create Cost Codes for TTM

Create Cost Codes for TTM

TTM Control Panel Cost Tracking Checklist

Icon A cost code is a short code assigned to timesheet tasks that can be used to bill work for that task to the correct department, cost center, accounting code, or other unique cost identifier.

Keep in mind:

  • When a cost code is assigned to a resource in the resource list, it is available in the Cost Codes column of the timesheet and can be selected for timesheet tasks.

  • Cost Codes are required if you enable cost tracking but are optional if you are using Time Tracking and Management (TTM) for time tracking only.

  • You can restrict access to the Cost Tracking list by using SharePoint permissions.
    More information on permissions in TTM is available here

To items to the TTM Cost Codes list:

Links from the TTM Control PanelAccess the Cost Codes list from the link in the Cost Tracking configuration checklist,


from the Update Cost Codes link in the TTM Control Panel

Accessing the TTM Control Panel requires you to have Full Control or Design permissions on the TTM site.

# Function
Cost Code form
1. Enter the Cost Code into the Title field that will be displayed to users in the Timesheeet Entry web part if Cost Tracking is enabled.
Using Cost codes

Enter an optional description.

NOTE: Text entered into this field is only visible from the Cost Code List

3. Optionally, enter a Fiscal Year to help track cost codes over time
4. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Icon-Tip To mark this item as complete in the Cost Configuration Checklist, click Mark as Complete
More information on using the checklist is available here

TTM Control Panel Cost Tracking Checklist