The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service

The search request was unable to connect to the Search Service


click search and get error.pngYou searched by entering search criteria in the Search in all columns for box. When you click the Search button, you see the error shown.


OOTB SP error.pngThis error is because the out-of-the-box Search Service in your SharePoint farm hasn’t been configured yet. If you try the same search using the out-of-the-box SharePoint Search, you will see a similar error message.

Because the Search in all columns for features uses the SharePoint Search, it will not work properly if the SharePoint Search is not configured.

My Search says No Records to Display but I know there are records

My Search says No Records to Display but I know there are records


no results to display.pngYou configured your List Search Simple to search in all columns. The end user entered search criteria he/she knows should return results, but the search reports No records to display.


The Search in all columns for feature uses the SharePoint Search. Since you don’t see an error, we know the Search Service is configured. If you searched for the same terms using the SharePoint Search, we expect that you would not find results there either. The lack of results could be due to:

  • The list you are searching isn’t indexed. Check the Advanced Settings page for the list to ensure that items from the list are allowed to appear in search results.

    search crtieria config.png
  • The list you are searching is configured to allow items from this list to appear in search results, but the crawl/index hasn’t run successfully in awhile. Check the status of the search index/crawl process to ensure it is working as expected.

I see more results than I expect

I see more results than I expect


You went to the search page to search for Tasks, entered xxx in the Task Name box and clicked Search. The results you see list Tasks that don’t have xxx in the name. Why is that?

more results than expected.png


auto-fill1.pngOften users don’t notice that some criteria is configured by default when the search page appears. They enter their criteria and click Search. Since they didn’t specifically enter other criteria, they are surprised when they seem to get more results than they expected.

In the example shown in the search screen shot above, the Priority and Task Status columns are auto-filled with the default value. In addition, the Search Criteria Joining Operator is set to OR. Thus, the result set includes tasks that have “xxx” in the Task Name, or Priority set to “(2) Normal”, or Task Status set to “Not Started”.