Migrating List Rollup from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Migrating List Rollup from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Be sure you have at least the Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release (shown in the table below) installed before migrating. If not, upgrade your Bamboo product release before migrating. For more information, see Upgrading your Bamboo Web Part. Also, the target SharePoint 2010 farm requires at least the Minimum SharePoint 2010 product release shown.

Icon-Warning IMPORTANT: When migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, you MUST select the option to change existing SharePoint sites to use the new user experience. Your Bamboo products will not perform as expected with the old look and feel.

Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release Classic: 5.0.55
Schema: 5.0.77
Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release Classic: 40.5.13
Schema: 50.0.85
In-Place Upgrade
Issues The List Rollup Web Part (both Classic Edition and Schema Designer) migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A
Database Attach Upgrade Method
Issues The successful migration of the List Rollup Web Part depends on the configuration of the product prior to upgrade:

  1. If relative URLs were used and lists and/or libraries included in the aggregated view are contained in the same site collection, then the migration will be successful without additional steps.
  2. If absolute URLs were used or references to lists and/or libraries from multiple site collections were used, no data will be returned after migration.
Resolution The resolution for the issues described in case 2 depend on the type of rollup.

  • For Classic Edition roll-ups. Users have 2 options:

    1. Modify the Query XML directly by opening the Web Part Tool Pane and clicking Query XML. Replace the original absolute URLs with relative URLs.
    2. Rebuild the rollups using the List Rollup Classic Edition Web Part for SharePoint 2010.
  • For Schema Designer roll-ups. Update the existing List Rollup Schema using the List Rollup Schema Designer Web Part for SharePoint 2010. Load the Schema and remove existing invalid entries from the Included Lists and Libraries grid. Replace them with new entries with the proper URL. Bamboo recommends using relative URLs whenever possible.