Time Tracking and Management site can be configured several ways. All modes provide the same basic functionality:
- The TTM site allows timesheet users (resources) to track their time, including time spent on individual tasks.
- Timesheet managers approve timesheets.
- The Report Center reports resource use, cost information (when available), and timesheet status.
Time Tracking Mode
For basic TTM configuration, configure timesheet reporting periods, select the data sources for timesheet tasks, and add resources. After you add tasks, resources can start to enter time in timesheets and Timesheet Managers can approve time.
For a list of required and optional steps for configuring time tracking, see the Time Tracking Configuration Checklist
Cost Tracking Mode
When cost tracking is enabled, costs can be calculated for work entered for timesheet tasks. Cost tracking is an additional feature that can be added after time tracking is configured.
For a list of steps required to configure cost tracking, see the Cost Tracking Configuration Checklist
Project Management Central (PMC) Integration Mode
If you have Bamboo Project Management Central, your TTM site can use resources from the PM Central Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP) and timesheets can automatically include tasks assigned to a resource in PM Central projects. PM Central integration is available with both time tracking and cost tracking modes.
- To define and view your report data for PM Central see Report Center – Resource Task Timeline.
- For cost tracking integration steps and features, see Configuring Cost Tracking for PM Central.