Access SP via REST

Access SP via REST

The Access SP via REST widget allows the workflow to read from and update items in an external SharePoint list and store the results in a workflow variable. The external site must have the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions installed, at which point the site is accessible as a REST service.

NOTE: Workflow Conductor widgets can access items in any site collection in the current Web application. Use the Access SP via REST widget only if you need access to items in other Web applications or other SharePoint farms.

SharePoint 2007 Server Administrator:: The Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions installation package is available in the Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2007 Setup application. To install the MashPoint REST Extensions, click on it in the Components list, and then click the Install button. Follow the installation instructions. After the MashPoint REST Extensions are installed, you can connect to the server using the Access SP via REST widget. For detailed installation instructions, refer to the section Installing the Product, or read the Bamboo Knowledge Base article KB.12582 – HOWTO: Install the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions.

SharePoint 2010 Server Administrator: The MashPoint REST Extensions are available for SharePoint 2010, but are no longer included in the Workflow Conductor Setup package. The Access SP via REST widget is disabled by default in Workflow Conductor for SharePoint 2010. For instructions to download and install the MashPoint REST Extensions and enable the Access SP via REST widget in Workflow Conductor, read the Bamboo Knowledge Base article KB.12582 – HOWTO: Install the Bamboo MashPoint REST Extensions.

Icon-Warning Widget Limitations:** The MashPoint REST Extensions do not support FBA accounts.

The Access SP via REST widget connects to Bamboo MashPoint REST services only. Connection to SharePoint 2010 REST services is not currently supported.

Widget Properties:

Column Description
REST Service Method (Required): Click the Icon-Ellipsis button to define the connection properties and action to be taken on the external SharePoint list:
REST URL: Enter the URL of an external SharePoint site where the MashPoint REST Extensions are installed. For example: http://server/mashpoint/1/
Username/Password/Domain: By default, the widget will use the credentials of the workflow initiator to access the external SharePoint site. If this is the desired behavior of your workflow, leave these fields blank. Otherwise, you can enter specific login information for the widget to use to connect to the site. Any login information you enter is stored with the widget and used any time the workflow runs.
Lists: After you enter a REST URL, click the Get List button to retrieve a set of available lists from the external SharePoint server. Select a list for the widget to use.

Available REST actions include:

  • Get: This action returns a single field value from the selected list. Select the list field to get, and then select criteria to use to find the item in the list by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. The value can be explicitly defined or it can be defined using a lookup. For example: Get Field Where Field Equals Value
  • Add: This action creates a new item in the selected list. Select a field, provide the desired value for the field, and then click Add. Do this for each field in the external SharePoint list for which you want to provide a value. Any values you provide can be explicitly defined or can be defined using a lookup.
  • Update:
    This action updates one or more fields in a single item in the selected list. Select a field in the external SharePoint list that you want to update and provide a new value for the field. Do this for each field in the item that you want to update. Any value you provide can be explicitly defined or can be defined using a lookup. You must also select criteria to use to find the item in the list to be updated by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. For example: Update Field(s) to NewValue(s) Where Field Equals Value
  • Delete: This action deletes a single item from an external SharePoint list. Select criteria to use to find the item in the list to delete by choosing a field and providing a criteria value in the Equals box. The value can be explicitly defined or it can be defined using a lookup. For example: Delete Where Field Equals Value
Variable Set To (Required): Select a workflow variable with a Text data type to store the results from the REST call. Create variables in the Workflow Settings tab in the settings pane, or click the Create new variable link next to the variable list.
Click Apply to save the widget settings.

Example of Using Access SP via REST Widget

Return to External Data Widgets

See Also: