Add a Hyperlink Tag in the Email Message

Add a Hyperlink Tag in the Email Message

email example with long URL.pngWhen you use the {itemlink} token in the body of your email message, the URL to the item that triggered the alert is displayed in the message, as shown here.

If your URL is really long, you may prefer to have the link associated with a word or an image.

Using the format for the email shown above as an example, follow these steps to use a short hyperlink to the email message body.

Step Action
Edit the alert.
edit alert.png
On the Mail Format tab, modify the email body in HTML view.
edit email body to add hyperlink.png
In the HTML view, add a hyperlink tag.

add a tag to html view.png

The tag added has this syntax:

<a href="{ItemURL}">HERE</a>

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: Use the {ItemURL} token in the tag, not the {itemlink} token! Be careful, tokens that refer to list columns are case-sensitive, but other tokens are not.

When finished, click back to the Design view to make sure you like your change.
go back to design mode.png
The new email should look like this:

example of email with short url.png