Complementary Products for Alert Plus
You will find many of our products complement each other quite nicely saving you the time and trouble to write custom code. With Bamboo at the heart of your SharePoint investment, you gain access to a huge catalog of enhancements, components, and accessories that add the critical functionality your business requires.
The same components can be easily used in future applications and they all come from a single, trusted vendor, ensuring an easy purchase process and support you can count on. That’s the Bamboo Way!
With List Rollup, you can aggregate items from various SharePoint lists across your portal and use the combined list as the source for an Alert Plus alert. For example, rollup all the active tasks across the portal and use the aggregated list as the source for an alert that sends an email message to the task assignee when a task is overdue. This eliminates the need to set up an alert for each list. If the rollup is configured for auto-discovery, the alert will be associated for all future tasks lists as well!

Use Alert Plus with Workflow Conductor to minimize the complexity of the workflow. For example, if you want a workflow to start when a specific column of a list changes to a certain value, use an alert to trigger the workflow rather than putting the start logic in the workflow. Because the workflow need not start every time the item changes, it will minimize the number of times a workflow will run as well as minimize the complexity of the workflow.
List Rollup |
Workflow Conductor |
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