Configure the Current User Filter Web Part

Configure the Current User Filter Web Part


Return to Configuration Overview

The Current User Filter is designed to filter out items that aren’t associated with the currently logged in SharePoint user; it can also be used to exclude items that don’t match certain parts of the current user’s profile (name, phone number, department, etc.). To connect and configure a Current User Filter, follow the steps listed below.

Step Action Result
1. Sometimes when you add this web part to a page, you may not see anything on the page but a rectangle where your web part should be. If that happens, you may have to open the Ribbon and Edit the web part properties.


  1. Click Web Part in the Ribbon.
  2. Click Web Part Properties to see the tool pane open on the right of your screen.
2. Within the tool pane, you have a couple of ways to get values for the Current User filter.

In this screenshot in the Select value to provide field, you see the radio button is selecting by Current user name.

If you choose the next option, SharePoint profile value for current user:
You will see a drop-down selector containing columns within a SharePoint profile. (These columns are specific to your environment.)

Choose a column from the drop-down that you want to base your filter on from the user profile. If you select this option, you are filtering out results that match the selection. So for example, if you choose Department, then all records that match the department value will not appear in the results.

Advanced Filter Options
1. Send Empty if there are no values This means that the filter will show results even when the column on which you are filter has no content.
2. When handling multiple values

Three choices to select if results contain multiple values.

  • Send only the first value – only the first result will display
  • Send all values – all results will display
  • Combine them into a single value and delimit with [blank text box for you to fill in] – if you want to
3. Text to insert before values In this option you have the option to pre-fill the results with certain text.
4. Text to insert after values In this option you have the option to end the results with certain text.


Create the Connection

Step Action Result
1. After you have made your changes on the tool pane, edit the web part to open the connections choices. Connections.jpg
In this example, we have selected to send the filter to the list.
2. You have a couple of ways you can connect the filter web part to the list web part on the page.
3. When you make a selection to Send Filter Values To a list, a dialog box opens on which you need to make more configuration choices. ChooseConnection.jpg
Step 1- Select Get Filter Values From
4. After choosing your connection, the view switches to the next step where you pick which column in your list that contains the data you want to filter. In our example, we are pulling data from a column called Choices. ConfgureCurrentUser.jpg
Step 2 – Configuring the Connection
5. Click Apply and click OK to save your changes.