Configuring the Gantt view in Calendar Plus

Configuring the Gantt view in Calendar Plus

Overview of Calendar Plus Configuration settings

Image of Gantt and Task view settings screenThe Gantt and Task View Settings configuration screen defines the display seen when users access the Gantt view via the toolbar.

NOTE: The availability of the calendar views in the toolbar is determined by the Selected Calendar Views identified on the General Settings configuration screen. All views are available from the toolbar by default. All steps below are optional except Step 1. if you are using SharePoint Lists and Libraries as the calendars data source.

Icon-Warning IMPORTANT: Calendar Plus must be configured in General Settings to base the calendar on an Interval in order to display a Gantt view.

Step Action Result
1. If using SharePoint List and Library as the calendar data source, select a list or library to display in the Gantt view.
Gantt list drop down menu

The Available Columns selector box(see below) will be populated after you have made your selection.

Keep in mind:

  • Only one SharePoint List or Library can be shown in the Gantt View

  • The list must have been added as a data source on the SharePoint List and Library settings screen

  • When using List Rollup, SQL Table or List, or BDC the calendars data source this drop down is not shown since the data source does not need to be identified.

2. Show all items at once or set a limit on the number of items returned per page in the Gantt and Tasks View. Radio buttons to show all items or limit items
Show All Items is selected by default.

NOTE: Limiting the number of items that show when loading the Web Part can help improve performance.

3. Select columns that will be displayed in the Gantt view by moving Available columns into the Selected Columns list box using the arrow buttons.Selector boxed with available and selected columns to display
Icon-Tip Use CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select multiple columns.

Reorder the selected columns with the up and down arrow buttons

Selected display columns in the gantt view.

NOTE: The lists Title will be displayed in the Gantt view by default.


Leave the Column Width… field empty to use default column widths for the Selected Columns Enter columns width

To manually set the column width for the Selected Columns enter the width (pixles) for each column, in the order they appear in the Selected Columns box, separated by a comma, in the Column Width field.

Selected columns with modified width in gantt view

You can sort data displayed in the Gantt view by up to two columns.

  • Select a column and choose whether to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • You can sort by any column in the data source, not just by the columns selected for display.

    Gantt sort order feature added in Calendar Plus 4.5

Define Sort Order
6. Select the % Complete columns to display progress within the item interval bar in the gantt chart. Click Select Progress Bar Color to change the randomly assigned color.Select % complete column from drop down.  Click color bar to select a new color
The Percent Complete Column field is empty by default

Task in Gantt chart with color bar to show progress

NOTE Item cell color coding is based on the optional Column to Color Code data source configuration setting.

7 Select the day of the week that should be considered Workdays.
Workday Settings feature added in Calendar Plus 4.6

Item marked as non-working days will be highlighted in the Gantt chart display.

8 Choose a Milestone column, a date column to represent the Milestone date and an image to display the milestone on the Gantt view instead of an interval bar.
Milestone settings
Keep in mind:
The Milestone column needs to be a Yes/No column, where Yes designates the item as a milestone.

Use these settings to configure the appearance of the Gantt chat –


  • Scale for Gantt View: Select the default time scale for the Gantt chart (Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year). Scale feature added in Calendar Plus 4.6
  • Gantt View Start Date: Enter the Start Date for the date interval in the Gantt view, select the Today, Current Month, or Current Year option, or click Start Date to select a date range.
  • Show week number in Gantt view: Select this option to display the week numbers in the Gantt view. This option displays the week number in Week, Month and Quarter views only.

Fully configured gantt view