Create a New Topic or Reply to a Post via Email

Create a New Topic or Reply to a Post via Email

If enabled by your SharePoint admin, you can create a new Discussion Board Plus topic or reply to a post directly via email.

Create a Topic using Email:

Action Result
To create a topic via email, send an email to the email account configured in the Discussion Board Plus Mail Settings with the following information:createtopicemail.png
1. To: Enter the email account configured in the Discussion Board Email Settings in the Send To field

2. Subject: Enter the topic for the discussion in the Subject field

3. List: In the email body, provide the list name or URL to post to new topic to in the following format:
List: {list name}
List: {http://listURL}

4. Topic Body: In the email body, enter the topic body for the discussion.

Below is how the new topic appears in the Discussion Board Plus list –


NOTE: The Bamboo Push Email Service Timer Job is used to post topics and replies via email. This Timer Job is scheduled to run every 10 minutes by default.

Reply to a Topic using Email:

Action Result
To reply to a topic via email, send an email to the email account configured in the Discussion Board Plus Mail Settings with the following information:replyviaemail.png
1. To: Enter the email account configured in the Discussion Board Email Settings in the Send To field

2. List: In the email body, provide the list name or URL to post to new topic to in the following format:
List: {list name}
List: {http://listURL}

3. Topic: In the email body, provide the Topic name or URL to post a reply in the following format:
Topic: {Topic name}
Topic: {http://topicURL}

4. Reply Body: In the email body, enter the topic body for the discussion.

Below is how the reply appears in the Discussion Board Plus list –


NOTE: The Bamboo Push Email Service Timer Job is used to post topics and replies via email. This Timer Job is scheduled to run every 10 minutes by default.

See also: