“Do’s and Don’ts” for using SharePoint Designer to modify Community Central pages

“Do’s and Don’ts” for using SharePoint Designer to modify Community Central pages

Advanced users can use SharePoint Designer to customize the site skin by modifying *.CSS and *.XSLT files.

All files in the Skin folder can be modified, but we recommend that only users with knowledge of CSS/XSLT design make changes to these files.

Make sure to do a backup before making any changes.
In addition, we recommend that you do not modify any of the following files:

  • Bamboo.Central.master
  • Bamboo.Blog.master
  • Bamboo.Forum.master
  • Default.aspx
  • Search.aspx
  • Forums.aspx
  • Blogs.aspx

Do not modify ANY .aspx file in the Admin folder.