Let users register their own accounts via Active Directory, without losing control of your portal.
Creating user accounts in SharePoint is an important task; it is also extremely tedious, often repetitive, and generally unavoidable. Although they are the best users to provide most profile and contact information, individual users cannot be allowed to determine things like security rights, leaving IT managers with the burdensome task of creating hundreds — or thousands — of user accounts as they are requested. This bottleneck keeps users from getting the access they are entitled to, and your IT managers stuck doing data entry.
User Registration Accelerator solves this bottleneck, enabling IT managers to create a simple, automated self-registration system where users provide profile information and confirm their e-mail address, and an admin-controlled Web Part automatically assigns creates a corresponding Active Directory (AD) user with proper security access and group membership based on the provided e-mail. Administrators can create their own series of rules and filters, review and audit account creation requests, and best of all, offload a time-consuming task without worrying about losing control over the account creation process.