How to Add an App from the Microsoft Store

How to Add an App from the Microsoft Store

After you purchase an App from the Microsoft store, your first step is to add the App to your site.

Step Action Result
1. Open the SharePoint Site to which you want to add the App.
2. In the upper right-hand corner, click the settings icon that looks like a small gear 0002.jpg.
This will display a drop-down menu.
3. Select the option Add an app from the menu. AddAnApp_jpg-725x0.jpg
4. In the left navigation bar, select the option SharePoint Store to open the Microsoft Online Store. SelectSharePointStore.jpg
5. When the Microsoft SharePoint Store opens, a listing of available apps will be displayed. SharePointStore.jpg
6. Locate and click on the App name.
Select ADD IT to add it to your Site’s available Apps.

Icon-Tip Use the Search function to find all the Bamboo Apps in the Microsoft App Store.