How To Allow Others to Share Your Order and Create Support Tickets for Your Bamboo Products

How To Allow Others to Share Your Order and Create Support Tickets for Your Bamboo Products

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When you order a product from Bamboo Solutions, your email address is linked to the order and, if not already created, a My Bamboo account is created using your email address.

If you have also purchased support for that product, you can create Support tickets via My Bamboo regarding issues or support questions. This is the most efficient way to report a problem or issue with a Bamboo product.

There are times when you may want others in your organization create tickets in My Bamboo for specific orders as well. In order to do this, you can share your orders – here is how to do that:

  1. Using the same email address that you used when you placed the order, log into My Bamboo and go to Shared Orders. You will find that linked under the “My Information” section at the bottom of My Bamboo. Shared.jpg
  1. There, select an order, enter a different email address to share the order with, and can click on Share This Order.

NOTE: the other email address must already exist in My Bamboo. An order can be shared with any number of other email addresses by repeating this process.

  1. Repeat this process for any other orders that you wish to share.


  1. Click on the link for Shared Tickets to see any orders that have been shared with you by another My Bamboo account.

Please note these current limitations:

  • One person will not be able to see the tickets of other persons who they share an order with, and visa versa.
  • Tickets created in our Helpdesk system can only reply to one email address and cannot automatically copy other addresses.
  • Other addresses can be manually added to the ticket as CC’s per the request of the customer.