How to find the version of Workflow Conductor

How to find the version of Workflow Conductor

There are two ways to determine the version of Workflow Conductor you are using on your farm:

  • from the Workflow Conductor Studio
  • from SharePoint Central Administrator

NOTE: To determine the version of Workflow Conductor, you need to be either a user who has the appropriate level of permission to create workflows or someone with access to SharePoint Central Administration.

Step Action

From SharePoint Central Administration

  1. Click the Workflow Conductor link on the main page.

    click wfc in ca.jpg
    The Workflow Conductor Control Panel will appear.

  2. Click the link About Workflow Conductor.

    wfc option in CA.jpg

    The version information will appear.wfc file version info from ca.jpg

NOTE: There are 8 Assemblies that are listed here that are not listed in the Workflow Conductor Studio version information. They are:
Bamboo.Conductor.Widget.Common.v3, Bamboo.Conductor.MyWorkflowTasks,
Bamboo.Conductor.MyWorkflowTasks.Cor.v3, Bamboo.Conductor.MyWorkflowTasksWebPart.Core.v3
Bamboo.Conductor.AdminManagement.v3, Bamboo.Conductor.AdminManagement.Core.v3, and Bamboo.Conductor.Deployment.v3


From the Workflow Conductor Studio, click the About choice on the Main Menu.

WFC menu option.jpg

The About Workflow Conductor screen will appear.
about workflow conductor.jpg

NOTE: There are 3 Assemblies that are listed here that are not listed in the Workflow Conductor version information in Central Administration. They are:
Bamboo.Conductor.DataAccess, and