The KB Creation Utility is located in the Bamboo Knowledge Base installer, under Optional Items:
Note: KB Creation Utility uses the current logged-in user’s credentials to create the Knowledge Base site. The current user must have SharePoint permission to create a site at the specified location.
Step | Action | Result |
1. | Click the Launch button at the bottom of the window to start the Creation Utility. | |
2. | Provide a title for your new Knowledge Base site. | The KB Client Site will be created with the provided title. |
3. | Provide a location for the site to be created. Note that the provided URL cannot point to an existing location. | The KB Client Site will be created at the specified location, with the KB Admin Site as a sub-site. |
4. | Click Create, and within a few minutes the links to your newly created KB Client and KB Admin Sites will be displayed. | |