How to View Poll Results

How to View Poll Results

Poll results can be displayed on a bar graph or pie chart. To choose how the results will be displayed, follow these steps:

Step Action Result
1. Edit Poll as described in the Configuring section.
2. The Bamboo Poll Voting tool pane is displayed on the right side of the screen. In the tool pane under Poll Results View, choose Bar Chart or Pie Chart for the type of chart.
3. Depending on the selected type of chart, follow these steps:

If you selected Bar Chart:

  • In the tool pane under Bar Color, choose a color for the bar.
  • Under Results Type, choose whether you want to display the Count, the Percent or the Count/Percent option.


    If you selected Pie Chart:

  • In the tool pane under Select Color, choose a color for each possible answer.
  • Under Results Type, choose whether you want to display the Count, the Percent or the Count/Percent option.


4. Click Apply and OK to save your changes.