Import from Excel or Delimited Text File

Import from Excel or Delimited Text File

Note: To import a Microsoft Excel File, Microsoft Excel must be installed. If your computer is running 32-bit Windows, List Bulk Import supports the 32-bit version of Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. If your computer is running 64-bit Windows, List Bulk Import supports the 64-bit version of Excel 2010 only.

Step Action
1. On the Source Information tab, type the file path in the text box or click Browse to browse to the file containing the data.
  1. Choosing a Microsoft Excel file requires the following Import File Information:

    • Sheet Name – Users must choose the Sheet in the Excel workbook that contains the data
    • First row contains column headings – Check this box to indicate that the first row contains column headings and not data
    • Transpose selected Excel Sheet – Check this box to transpose the previously referenced Excel sheet. Users are prompted to enter the Starting Cell and Ending Cell when this option is selected.

      NOTE: Transpose selected Excel Sheet rotates the selected Excel Sheet prior to import process when selected (i.e. Column A will become Row 1, Column B will become Row 2 and so on). The pivoting cell is defined by the Starting Cell; thus, if D4 is the Starting Cell, Column D becomes row 4.

  2. Choosing a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) or Text (.txt) File requires the following Import File Information:

    Choosing a CSV file only requires the user to select the Field Data Delimiter because the Field Separator is always a comma in this file type; however, when selecting a .txt file, the user must choose the Field Separator as well as the Field Data Delimiter. The Field Data Delimiter option is especially useful with CSV files because users often use commas in numeric values.

3. Click the Target Information tab and select the Target List or Library from the drop-down menu. Once selected, the menu is populated with available lists and libraries found within the specified site. If the list or library is not shown, click File then Reset Connection to SharePoint Target Site to connect to a different site.
4. After selecting the Source Information and Target Information, click Next to begin mapping source columns to the target site.