Overview of Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator |
Manage and Edit Comments
The comments widget appears at the bottom of each article. Users can enter comments and admins can monitor them from the “Comments” link in the quick launch menu.
Go to the “Comments” link in the quick launch to see a list of comments across KB. Manage comments by editing and saving your changes to the list:
- To change the article a comment appears under, edit the Article ID
- Edit comment content by editing the item column “Comments”
- Publish/Reject comments by editing the “Status” column
- Article Title displays the title of the Article ID of the comment. This field does not auto-update if you change the Article ID field for a comment.
To sort comments, use the filter/sort functions on the comment list. For example, filter comments by “Status” equals “Submitted” to view comments requiring moderation.
Search Comments
Use the Search function in the quick launch to search through comments by article, status, or comment content.
Advanced Comment List Configuration
To edit the columns used in the list, edit the list settings for “Bamboo KB Rating and Comments” on the Comments page. Use the ribbon to edit the list settings by selecting List > List Settings.
Administrators can change the default publishing options so that comments publish immediately without moderation. Under List Settings, click on the Status column to edit it and at the bottom of the page change the “Default Value” to “Published.”
Important: If you are using workflows to approve and manage comments, do not manually approve comments. Doing so will stop the workflow task from approving comments and the Workflow Task List will display open tasks. Choose to approve comments using only one method (workflows or manual approval).
Ratings and commenting are done separately and can independently enabled/disabled. Ratings can be found in the top section of each article. Each user is limited to one rating, although users can re-open the article and change their previously submitted rating.
Top rated articles appear under the “Top Rated” category in the “Featured” tab of the tab view WP.
Enabling/Disabling Comments & Ratings
Administrators can toggle the display of comments & ratings. Navigate to the client site and click “Site Contents” in the quick launch. Under site contents open “DisplayPopUpPage,” which will bring up a blank page displaying “Article can only be displayed when it is selected from the tree view under home.
This is the web part that displays the KB articles, however on this page it doesn’t point to a specific article and is therefore blank. Configuring this web part will toggle the display.
Edit the page and web part to bring up configuration options. Look Under the “Advanced” heading for “Article Layout.” Click on the “Comment” line item and use the arrows to toggle the comment display.
Under “Rating and Sharing Options,” un/check the “Rating” box to toggle rating displays.
Toggling either option will save the current records of ratings and comments. These options just remove them from the article display accessible to users.