Create List Widget

Create List Widget

The Create List widget creates a new list or library in the current site, another site in the current site collection, or in a site in different site collection. The following list types can be created by the Create List widget:

Announcements Calendar Contacts Custom List Custom List in Datasheet View Discussion Board Document Library
Form Library Issue Tracking Links Picture Library Survey Tasks

The list or library is created using the default SharePoint options for columns and list settings, except where noted in the widget properties.

Widget Properties:

Column Description
Site (Required)

Click the Icon-Ellipsis button to select a site for the new list:

  • Select Current Site to create a list in the current site.
  • Select Other Site in Site Collection to create a list in another site in the current site collection or in another site collection.
  • Select Workflow Variables to create a list in a site named in a workflow variable, selected from the Variable Containing Site Name list. If you are creating a list in the current site collection, the variable must contain the sitename portion of the site URL (e.g., http://myserver/sales). If you are creating a list in another site collection, the variable must contain the full URL of the site (e.g., http://myserver/sitecoll/site).
Title (Required) Enter a Title for the new list by typing text in the property field or by clicking the Icon-Ellipsis button to open the text editor. Add lookups to the Title using the Add Lookup button (Button-AddLookup) in the text editor.
List Description Enter a List Description for the new list by typing text in the property field or by clicking the Icon-Ellipsis button to open the text editor. Add lookups to the List Description using the Add Lookup button (Button-AddLookup) in the text editor.
List Type Choose the type of list to create from the List Type list. See below for available list types.
Add to Quick Launch Select Yes to add the site to the Quick Launch.
Run As This widget can run with the permissions of the workflow initiator, the workflow designer, or another user. Select the option in the Run As property that best matches your requirement. For more information, see the Common Widget Properties topic.
Click Apply to save the widget settings.

Example Using Create List Widget

See Also: