Open Saved Template File

Open Saved Template File

Overview of Import Options

To re-use a saved template for an import, follow these steps:

Step Action
1. If you aren’t already connected to the SharePoint site you want to import to, see Reset the Connection to the Target SharePoint Site.
2. Open Saved Template.pngIn the Import Tool section of the dashboard, click Open Saved Template.

browse for template.pngBrowse for your saved template. It will be a file with a *.xml extension.

Locate the file and click Open.

current target is different.png

The opened file may have a different SharePoint site configured as the source. If so, you may see this message. click Yes to reset the source so you can continue.

4. The Type and Source Data page of the import will be displayed. You can review the saved configuration as you step through. Each page should be pre-configured. When you get to the last page, click Import to start the import.