Bamboo Quick Add Settings

Bamboo Quick Add Settings

The Bamboo Quick Add Settings page is found under your site collection Settings|Bamboo Settings option after you have activated the site feature. For more information about how to do that, see the information contained within the Overview of QuickAdd Configuration Toolpane.

Step Action Description
1. Limit the total number of items to be added each time to xx items. The default setting is originally set for 50 items. You can increase or decrease the amount of items to add at one time in this setting.
2. You may allow an unlimited set of items to be added at any given time by clicking on this option.

NOTE: There may be performance impacts if an extremely large number of Quick Add item creations are attempted at one time.

3. The third options on the screen is the Bamboo Quick Add version information, which may be of help to Bamboo Support should you run into issues and need to contact us.
4. Click the OK button to save your choices or click the Cancel button to leave the options as is and cancel anything you may have changed while on the page.