Getting started with PM Central | Overview of Project PMC Control Panel |
The Configuration Checklist associated with the project site provides administrators with instructions on how to prepare the site for use. A link to the Configuration Checklist will be available in the warning message displayed at the top of the project home page.
When working with the Configuration Checklist keep in mind:
You will need Full Control permission on the project site to complete items in the checklist.
The Warning message on the Project Home page will be displayed until all Mandatory items associated with the Configuration Checklist have a been closed.
A link to a separate Project Manager’s Checklist will be displayed as part of the Complete message text
NOTE: The contents of the project site’s Configuration Checklist changed in PMC 4.3
Action | Description |
Review Task Master Work Week settings |
Task Master is configured to define working hours as Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM with lunch between 12-1PM, resulting in an 8 hour work day and 40 hour work week. If your organization officially uses a longer or shorter standard work week you will need to update Task Master’s Work Week Settings.
Associate Task Master with the Holiday list |
If your organization is using a “Holiday” list you will need to associate it with the Task Master web part to prevent work being scheduled on the identified “holidays”.
Validate the Report & Schedule settings
Standard templates only |
The working days, hours, and holidays specified in Resource & Schedule Settings will be referenced by PM Central when generating the project site’s Resource Allocation and Capacity reports.
Determine how the Group Email Web Part should send messages |
The Group Email Web Part is configured to send notifications to identified project team members using your email client. This option does not require additional configuration, but it is subject to a limitation that prevents more than 2083 characters being passed across a query string. If you think the number of characters in the email addresses of project team members will exceed this limit, or if you want to have the email form load in the SharePoint page, make the following changes to the default Group Email configuration:
Expose the Budget Cost Status KPI in the Project Info dashboard (Optional)
Standard templates only |
When Standard Rates are associated with user profiles in the Project Resource Pool, and tasks are assigned to Project Team Resources, PM Central can calculate the human resource cost of the project. The calculated Project (Human) Cost can then be compared with the Budget (Estimated) Cost value entered in the Project Health list, and the budget health of the project displayed in the Budget Cost Status KPI. The Budget Costs Status column is not displayed in the Project Info dashboard by default. To display this column you will need to complete the following steps:
Hide fields in the Project Health and Tasks forms (Optional) |
Save your site configuration in a template (Optional) |
You don’t want to have to complete these configuration steps for every site, so consider creating a custom project template. When the template is available in the Solutions gallery completing the following steps on the Portfolio site will make the project site template available in PM Central’s site creation tool: