PM Central – Project Health List KPI’s

PM Central – Project Health List KPI’s

Overview of the Project Health list

The Project Health list’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow executives to quickly draw conclusions about the current state of a project.

Portfolio site Project Summary dashboard with KPI's
When working with the Project Health list’s Key Performance Indicators keep in mind:

  • The Budget Work and Budget Cost fields in the Project Health list must be manually populated with the budget values before PM Central will be able to determine your project’s budget health. If no budget data is provided the associated KPI will always be green.

  • The Budget Cost Status KPI is not displayed by default. Click here for information on how to expose this column in the dashboards.

    The removal of the Budget Cost Status KPI from the default Project Summary display was new in PM Central 4.3

  • The Bamboo KPI Column thresholds can be modified. Information about configuring the Bamboo Key Performance Indicator column is available here.

Project Health KPI Settings
Issue Status Column references Overdue view of the project’s Issues list and counts the number of overdue items.

Green KPI 0 overdue Issues
Yello KPI Between 1 – 4 overdue issues
Red KPI 5 or more overdue issues

Risks Status Column references the Overdue view of the project’s Risks list and counts the number of overdue items.

Green KPI 0 overdue Risks
Yellow KPI Between 1 – 4 overdue Risks
Red KPI 5 or more overdue Risks

Schedule Status Compares the number of items in the Overdue and Not Completed view of the Tasks list, with the number of items in the Not Completed Tasks view

Green KPI Less than 10% of tasks in the Not Completed Tasks view are overdue
Yellow KPI Between 10% – 20% of tasks in the Not Completed Tasks view are overdue
Red KPI 20% or more of tasks in the Not Completed Tasks view are overdue

Budget Work Status Compares the value entered into the Project Health list’s Budget Work field with the calculated value in the Project Actual Work field.

Green KPI 0 hours over budget
Yellow KPI Between 1 – 1,000 hours over budget
Red KPI Greater than 1,000 hours over budget

Budget Cost Status

Compares the value entered into the Project Health list’s Budget Cost field with the calculated value in the Project Actual Cost field.

Green KPI $0.00 over budget
Yellow KPI Between $1 – 10,000 over budget
Red KPI Greater than $10,000 over budget

NOTE: You must be using the Resource column to assign tasks, and must have Standard Rate information associated with user profiles to allow a Cost calculation to be performed.