- Workflow Conductor 1.0 through 1.6.1
- Workflow Conductor 2.0 and higher configured to use Solution Deployment
- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
- SharePoint Foundation 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010
A Workflow Conductor workflow solution must be deployed in order to test it. If a Designer creates multiple versions of a workflow before a “final” version is ready, the earlier versions remain in the site in multiple places:
- As an associated workflow in the list or library
- As an active feature in the site collection
- As a deployed solution in the Web application
Designers or administrators may want to remove these earlier versions to prevent confusion and to maintain a clean SharePoint environment. There are multiple ways to do this, depending on how completely you want to remove the workflow solution and what permissions you have in the site:
- Disable the workflow in the list or library ( Design or Full Control permission on the list or library)
- Delete the workflow association in the list or library ( Design or Full Control permission on the list or library)
- Deactivate the workflow feature in the site collection (Site Collection Administrator)
- Retract and remove the workflow solution from the Web application (member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group)