WBS Level Format Settings

WBS Level Format Settings

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You can configure the text for the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) numbering in the Task Master tool pane. To format a WBS level:

Step Action Result
1. In the tool pane under WBS Level Format Settings, choose the WBS level in the WBS Level drop-down list. WBS.jpg
2. Select Click here to format the selected WBS Level.

After you select a WBS level and click on the green hyperlink, a blue formatting box is added to the WBS Level Format Settings section.
Click the blue box to set the text formatting for that level.

Icon-WarningImportantThe level you pick in the drop down box will be matched in the blue selector box that appears above it. In our screen shot above, we picked X.X.X.X.X and that is the formatting option that appears in the blue box above it.

3. A dialog box allows you to choose format the font, font color (i.e. Foreground > Pick), font size and font style. Text.jpg
4. After you finish formatting the text for each level, click Apply and then click OK.

This is an example of how each level is formatted differently:
The result of the formatting will appear as follows:

NOTE: If when you are working with Task Master and the text color in the grid changes after you click Recalculate, refresh the browser by clicking F5 to reapply color coding.