This is the default option for security for the KB Client site. This selection can be made in the Bamboo KB Client Configuration List, located in the KB Client site.
Use this option if:
- You do not want different SharePoint groups or individual users to have access to the KB Picture Library or KB articles or categories.
- And/or you want to allow anonymous access to the KB Client site. (Note: Users using an anonymous login will not be able to view list items that have broken item permissions. A SharePoint access account for anonymous access is required.)
The KB Client site will display an error message after a new KB Client site is created or after an existing KB Client site is upgraded. Before the KB Client site can be viewed, the KB Client Configuration List must be modified, and an access account must be selected.
Security Configuration for the Access Account for the KB Admin Site
At the KB Admin site, the access account needs Read-Only access to the following:
- Bamboo KB Articles List
- Bamboo KB Categories List
- Bamboo KB Article View Counts List
- Bamboo KB Rating and Comments List
- Bamboo KB Tag Cloud List
- KB Picture Library
The access account needs Limited access to the KB Admin site.
The access account can read KB articles, categories and image links stored in the KB Picture Library. However, the access account does not have access to other KB Admin site pages, and the account cannot log into the KB Admin site with Limited access. Knowledge Base Administrators can grant the access account a higher level of permission, such as Read-Only access, if necessary.
Knowledge Base Administrators can allow the access account to read a specific number of articles in the KB Articles and KB Categories lists by breaking list item permissions and removing the access account’s Read-Only permissions for those items. The items in the KB Articles and KB Categories lists that the access account can read and view in the KB Admin site can be read and viewed in the KB Client site.
NOTE: If the links to the images in a KB article are stored in a different library or list, then the access account must have permission to read the links from that library or list.
Security Configuration for the Access Account for the KB Client Site
Knowledge Base Administrators only need to grant Read-Only access to the KB Client site to other users or groups. The KB Client site also allows anonymous access. When these SharePoint users/groups or anonymous users access the KB Client site, searching for and displaying KB articles is based on the access account permission to the KB Admin site.
For example, a Knowledge Base Administrator creates a different SharePoint group and grants Read-Only access to that group in the KB Client site. The following SharePoint users/groups have Read-Only or higher permissions to the KB Client site. They can access the KB Client site, and they have access to all of the pages in the site.
- Forum Lock
- PMGReview Members
- PMGReviewVisitorTop
- SPUser1
- SPUser3
See also: