This is a high level overview of the types of Workflow Logic Widgets available. Click on the name of the widget to get details and examples.
- Calculate Widget: Perform a mathematical, date, or string function.
- Compare Widget: Compare two or more values.
- Conditional Branch Widget: Branch a workflow based on a criteria.
- Delay For Widget: Pause the workflow for a specific amount of time.
- Delay Until Widget: Delay until a specific date/time.
- Delay Until Condition is Met Widget: Delay until a user-defined condition is satisfied.
- Echo Test Widget: Troubleshoot a workflow.
- End Workflow Widget: End a workflow.
- Repeat For Each Item Widget: Repeat part of a workflow for each item in a list or library.
- Repeat While Widget: Repeat part of a workflow while a condition is true.
- Run Parallel Widget: Run two sets of actions simultaneously.
- Set Variable Widget: Set the value of a workflow variable.
- Start Another Workflow Widget: Start another workflow.
- Wait for Field Change Widget: Pause the workflow until a field meets a condition.
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See also an Alphabetical List of Workflow Conductor Widgets.