Configuring WF Conductor General Settings |
Configure available LDAP paths for managing Active Directory users with Workflow Conductor widgets and set default account options for new Active Directory accounts.
NOTE: If you don’t plan to use the AD widgets, you don’t need to configure this. See xxx for more information about hiding the AD widgets from Studio users.
LDAP Paths: Click the Add New LDAP Path button to enter a new Active Directory LDAP path. Active Directory users and groups in this path can be managed by Active Directory widgets in Conductor Studio.
LDAP Path: Enter a valid LDAP connection string using RFC 4516 format: ldap://host:port/DN?attributes?scope?filter?extensions
Example 1: ldap://,dc=org
Example 2: ldap://,ou=ParentOU,dc=example,dc=org
Example3: ldap://ldapserver/ou=ChildOU,ou=ParentOU,dc=example,dc=org
LDAP Display Name: Enter the display name for the LDAP path in Active Directory widgets.
- User Name/Password: Enter the account information for an account with permission to modify objects in this LDAP path. Active Directory widgets will run with the permission of this user.
- Users and groups: Enter a list of users and groups who will be able to see this LDAP path in Active Directory widgets. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon (;). Users must be entered in the format DOMAINuser. Groups must be entered in the format [Group] (including the surrounding brackets).
- Allow custom LDAP paths in widgets: Select this option to allow Conductor Studio designers to enter custom LDAP paths in Active Directory widgets.