Conditional Branch Widget
The Conditional Branch widget branches the workflow based on the status of up to two conditions. If the conditions are met, the workflow follows the True path. If not, the workflow follows the False path. If more than two conditions are required, Conditional Branch widgets can be nested.
Drop other widgets in each branch to take different actions for True or False conditions.
Widget Limitations:
- When entering a condition to match values in SharePoint Person or Group or Choice columns configured to allow multiple values, enter the matching value in the format listed below:
- Person or Group columns: User1;User2 (Note: There is no space after the semicolon for the match condition, even though SharePoint displays one in the actual column value.)
- Choice columns: Value1, Value2 (Note: The space after the comma is required.)
The values must be listed in the same order as they appear in the SharePoint column. For example: If the condition is listed as User1;User2 or Value1, Value2, SharePoint column values entered as User2; User1 or Value2, Value1 will not match.
Widget Properties
Column |
Description |
Condition (Required): |
Click to open the Condition Builder form. |
Condition: |
Choose from a set of pre-defined conditions or compare two data sources using a set of logical operators. See the table below for a list of available conditions. |
Condition |
Description |
Enter Comparison
Value(s) As |
Compare these data sources |
Compares two values (of the same data type) using a logical operator. The following logical operators are available:
- Equals / Does Not Equal
- Contains / Does Not Contain
- Is Empty / Is Not Empty
- Starts With / Does Not Start With
- Ends With / Does Not End With
- Greater Than / Less Than
- Greater Than or Equal To / Less Than or Equal To
Text or lookup |
Current item was created between these dates |
Checks whether an item was created within a date range |
Date/Time or lookup to date/time value |
Current item was modified between these dates |
Checks whether an item was last modified within a date range. |
Date/Time or lookup to date/time value |
If two date ranges overlap |
Checks whether two sets of dates overlap each other. |
Date/Time or lookup to date/time value |
Specific date/time is within a date range |
Checks whether a specific date time is between two dates. |
Current item was created by this user |
background-color: white;|Current item was modified by this user |
Date/Time or lookup to date/time value |
Current item was modified by this user |
Checks whether an item was last modified by a specific user. |
Person or lookup to Person value |
Current item has these keywords in the title |
Checks whether the Title of the current item contains a particular text string (case insensitive). |
Text or lookup to text string |
User is a member of an Active Directory group |
Checks whether a user is a member of a specific Active Directory group. |
User: Person or lookup to Person value
Group: Group or lookup to Group value |
User is a member of a SharePoint group |
Checks whether a user is a member of a specific SharePoint group. |
User: Person or lookup to Person value
Group: Group or lookup to Group value |
Role is assigned to User |
Checks whether a user role is assigned. |
User: Person or lookup to Person value
Group: Group or lookup to Group value |
Add Another Condition: |
Click this link to add another condition to the Condition Builder. Conditions can be joined using AND or OR. Once a second condition is added, remove it by clicking the Remove Condition link. |
Click Apply to save the widget settings. |
Example of Conditional Branch Widget
Return to Workflow Logic Widgets List
See Also: