Configure the Optional settings for a Calendar Plus data source

Configure the Optional settings for a Calendar Plus data source

Overview of Calendar Plus Configuration settings

The following steps require you to have accessed the Calendar Plus Settings screens by clicking the Calendar Plus Web Part Settings button in the web parts configuration tool pane.

Step Action Result

Complete the Required Steps associated with selected data source.

The Settings pop up window for the selected data source is divided into two sections:

  • Required Steps: the configuration settings which must be defined to add the data source to the Calendar Plus display
  • Optional steps: Modify the display options associated with the list or library

    NOTE: Only the Optional steps are discussed in this topic

2. Select columns that will be displayed in a tool tip by moving Available columns into the Selected Columns list box using the arrow buttons.
By default no columns are selected for display in the tool tips.

Users will see the tool tip when they mouse over an item in the calendar
Image of tool tip

Icon-Tip Use CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select multiple columns.
Reorder the selected columns with the up and down arrow buttons

3. Select a column that provides a Description for the item.
Image of Description drop-down field

Icon-Tip Include the selected Description column in your tool tip to allow users to see content that is not displayed in the cell.

Description text will appear under the Display column in the Day and Work Week views.
Image of Description text under the Display text in an item
Keep in mind:

  • Display Item Descriptions is set to No by default. This settings must be changed to Yes on the Day and Work Week Views configuration screen, for the description value to be displayed

Choose column to color code from the drop-down
Select the Column to Color Code from the drop down.

  • The column values will be displayed with a randomly assigned color.

  • Change the color of the cell by clicking the color square to access the Bamboo Color Picker.

  • Change the color of the text by clicking on the text to access the Bamboo Color Picker.
  • Color values can be shown as Solid or Gradient.
Keep in mind:
1. Choice, Lookup, and Person or Group columns types are supported for color coding.

2. If using Bamboo List Rollup as the calendar’s data source, any special columns included in the rollup will be available.

3. Gradient colors are not shown in the Settings screen, but will display in the Web part.


select the column that will be identified with icons from the drop-down
Icons can be used to provide additional visual information about the item.

  • Select the Column to Identify by Icon.

  • The column values will be automatically displayed.

  • Click the box associated with the icon value to access the popup screen

  • Enter the Icon URL and click View Icon to see a sample.

  • Click Save Icon

Choose an icon from the  popup screen
Keep in mind:
1. When using SharePoint Lists and Library or Bamboo List Rollup as the data source; Choice, Lookup, and Person or Group columns types are supported for icon assignment.

2. Icon images need to have been uploaded to a Library within the site collection.

3. The recommended image size is 16×16 pixels

4. If an icon is not associated with a column value, and you have elected to Display Icons
in the legend, you will see an empty box in the legend.
Image of legend with empty icon box