This is a high level overview of the types of List and Items Widgets available. Click on the name of the widget to get details and examples.
- Add Attachment: The Add Attachment widget attaches a file to a SharePoint List item.
- Add Column: Add an existing site column to a list or library.
- Check In: Check in an item.
- Check Out: Check out an item.
- Complete Task: Set a task Status field to Completed.
- Copy Item: Copy an item to a list or library.
- Create Column: Create a new column in a list or library.
- Create Item: Create a new item in a list or library.
- Create List: Create a new list.
- Create Task: Create a Task list item.
- Delete Item: Delete an item from a list or library.
- Delete List: Delete a list.
- Discard Check Out: Remove the Checked Out status from an item.
- Get Previous Version: Query and return the value of a field for the previous version of an item.
- Log to History: Write an entry to the Workflow History list.
- Move Item: Move an item to a list or library.
- Set Approval Status: Set the Approval Status on an item.
- Set Field Value: Set the value of a field for an item in a list or library.
- Set Item Permissions: Set unique item permissions for an item in a list or library.
- Update Item: Update one or more fields for an item in a list or library.
See Also: