Sort SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Sort SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display
Step Action Result
1. Use the site tree to navigate to the site containing the alerts you want to delete
My Alerts Organizer site tree
The contents of the My Alerts Organizer will change to show alerts associated with the selected site
2. From the My Alerts Organizer display page click the header of the column you want to sort
Image of the column header in My Alerts organizer
With the first click the column will be sorted in ascending order.
Sort ascending
2. Click the column header a second time to change to sort from ascending to descending orderClick column header to change sort order Sort descending
3. Click the column header a third time to turn off sorting Alerts items will return to the default sort order

Overview of the My Alerts Organizer User display

Overview of the My Alerts Organizer User display

Image of the My Alerts Organizer user display

1. The site tree allows you to navigate to other sites in the site colletion to see alert items
2. Image of site hyperlinkClicking the site name hyperlink will take you to the site’s home page
3. Image of Add button in the toolbarFrom the toolbar you can Add, Delete and Toggle alerts created on items in the selected site. The Delete and Toggle options will be greyed out until an item is selected in the console
4. Image of Grouping barSharePoint alerts will be displayed in the console for the selected site and can be Grouped and Sorted by column header

5. Image of select all checkbox in toolbarThe select all checkbox in the upper left allows you to quickly Delete or Toggle the alerts shown on the current page
6. Image of edit, delete and toggle controls associated with individual alert items Each item has icons that allow you to Toggle, Delete or Edit the alert

Group SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Group SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

Applying grouping to the default presentation of alert items from the My Alerts Organizer display is easy and lets users quickly assess and manage their SharePoint alerts associated with a site.

Step Action Result
1. From the My Alerts Administrator display page drag the header of the column you want to group by into the grouping bar.
Image of column being dragged to the blue grouping bar
The arrows on the extreme left indicate the header is in the grouping bar.
Image of items grouped by the header
Alerts grouped by Event type
2. You can group by more than one value just by adding the new column header to the grouping bar
Image or column header being reordered in the grouping bar
The displayed items will be grouped in the order in which the headers appear in the grouping bar.
Image of Alert items grouped by Alert Frequency, then by Event type
3. To reorder the groupings move the header in the grouping bar
Grouping bar
The alerts items will be regrouped accordingly

To remove a header click the “x” associated with the header title in the grouping bar
Grouping bar

NOTE: If using SharePoint 2007 you will drag the column header out of the grouping bar.

The alerts items will be reorganized

NOTE: Groupings are not saved when you leave the My Alerts Organizer console

Enable or Disable a SharePoint Alert in My Alerts Organizer

Enable or Disable a SharePoint Alert in My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

The toggle feature in My Alerts Organizer allows you to disable or enable selected alerts. Needless to say, green equals ON, and toggling an alert to OFF will change the associated toggle icon to red.

NOTE: The following actions can only be performed on alert items selected on the displayed page.

Step Action Result
1. Use the site tree to navigate to the site containing the alerts you want to delete
My Alerts Organizer site tree
The contents of the My Alerts Organizer will change to show alerts associated with the selected site
2. Toggle Individual Alert
Click the Toggle button associated with the specific alert you want to toggle
Toggle icon

Toggle Multiple Alerts
Toggle multiple alerts by click the checkboxes next to the desired alert items, then click Toggle in the ribbon
Toggle button in the ribbon

Toggle All Alerts
Click the check box in the column header to Select All alerts on the display page then click Toggle in the ribbonSelect all check box

The alert’s toggle status indicator will reflect the change in alerts status.

Edit SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Oganizer

Edit SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Oganizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

My Alerts Organizer lets you easily edit your SharePoint alerts associated with sites in a web application from a centralized location.

Step Action Result
1. Use the site tree to navigate to the site containing the alerts you want to edite
My Alerts Organizer site tree
The contents of the My Alerts Organizer will change to show alerts associated with the selected site
2. Click the edit icon next to the alert you wish to modify.
The settings screen for the alert will be displayed below
the selected item.
3. Make the desired changes to the alert and click Update. You will be returned to the My Alerts Organizer home page.

Delete SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Delete SharePoint alerts in My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

With the delete feature in My Alerts Organizer you can delete individual alerts, or multiple alert items on a My Alerts Organizer display page.

NOTE: The following actions can only be performed on alert items selected on the displayed page.

Step Action Result
1. Use the site tree to navigate to the site containing the alerts you want to delete
My Alerts Organizer site tree
The contents of the My Alerts Organizer display page will change to show alerts associated with the selected site

Delete Individual Alert
Click the ‘x’ associated with the specific alert you want to delete
Use x icon to delete items

Delete Multiple Alerts
Click the check box next to the alert items to be deleted, then click Delete in the ribbon
Multiple alerts selected

Delete All Alerts
Click the check box in the column header to Select All alerts on the display page, then click Delete in the ribbon
Select All button checked

Delete confirmation pop up window
The alert(s) will be deleted after you click OK in the confirmation popup window

Create new SharePoint Alerts with My Alerts Organizer

Create new SharePoint Alerts with My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

My Alerts Organizer allows users to create alerts on Lists, Document Libraries, Picture Libraries, or Discussion Boards in a site collection, from a centralized location.

Step Action Result
1. Use the site tree to navigate to the site containing the content you want to alert on
My Alerts Organizer site tree
The contents of the My Alerts Organizer will change to show alerts associated with the selected site
2. Click the Add button found at the top of the console
Add button in the My Alerts Organizer toolbar
The page will refresh with a view of every object on the [current site] that qualifies for an alert, organized by category.
Page of all items that can be alerted on in the site
Clicking the Category bar allows you to reverse the alphabetical order of the categories and objects within them.

The categories can be ungrouped simply by removing the Category header from the blue grouping bar.

Ungrouped items will be displayed in Alphabetical order.

3. Place a check next to the item you want to create alert on. Click item radio buttonIn some cases you will be given the option of adding alerts to specific items in the list.

When you click the Select Item link the page will refresh and expose the individual items.

4. Click the Next button found at the top of the page. The standard SharePoint New Alert page will render.
SharePoint New Alert screen
5. Configure the alert as desired and click OK You will be returned to the My Alerts Organizer diaplay page.

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

Access My Alerts Organizer

Access My Alerts Organizer

Overview of My Alerts Organizer display

The My Alerts Organizer feature is activated or deactivated at the Web Application level in SharePoint Central Administration on the SharePoint server.

Following activation, My Alerts Organizer is available to all users within the site application by selecting the Open Meun down arrow next to the Log In user accout.

2007 2010 2013
Image of user drop down menu on SharePoint 2007 Image of user drop down menu on SharePoint 2010 Image of user drop down menu on SharePoint 2013

Users with Full Control permissions to a site will also be able to access their My Alerts Organizer console from the Site Administration section of Site Settings.

SharePoint 2007 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013
HW40_Site_Settings_Access_2007.png HW40_SiteSettings_2010.png HW40_SiteSettings_2013.png

NOTE: Only Site Administrators can see the Site Administration section in Site Settings. Site Administrators are users who have directly been granted Full Control, or belong to a group with this permission level.