Work with Calendar Plus views

Work with Calendar Plus views

Overview of Calendar Plus user display

Calendar Plus toolbar with views highlighted
A variety of calendar views are available from the Calendar Plus toolbar.

When working with Calendar Plus views keep in mind:

  • Individual calendar views (or the entire toolbar) can be hidden from the General Settings configuration screen.

  • The Display Legend will adjust based on the items displayed in the calendar view

View Display
  • Will take you into the Day view for the current date.

Image with Day button in toolbar and a calendar date highlighted

  • This view of calendar items for a specific day can be accessed from the toolbar, or by clicking a date in the Month, Week or Work Week views.

  • Only the working hours identified in the Day and Work Week configuration settings will be displayed by default.
    Day view in Calendar Plus and the display legend

  • To see items that are outside of working hours, click Show 24 hours at the bottom left of the display.

  • From the extended view click Show Business Hours to return to the default display.

Work Week
  • The default work week is 8:00AM – 5:00PM Monday – Friday.

  • This default work week can be modified in the Day and Work Week configuration screen.

  • To see items that are outside the defined working hours, click Show 24 Hours at the bottom left of the view. Work week shows work days in columns and the display legend

  • Displays calendar items for a 7 day week

  • By default Sunday is the first day of the week. This can be changed in the Day and Work Week configuration settings. Week days in rows from the designated start of week at the top of the display

  • Displays calendar items over the course of a month.

  • Click a date in a calendar cell to view the Day view for that date.

  • By default up to 5 items will be displayed in a cell. This can be adjusted in the web parts General Settings

  • If there are More… items clicking the link will take you to the Day view.
    Calendar month view with display legend

  • This view will display events in 3 or 6 month intervals based on the settings of the Quarter and Year configuration settings

  • The default start month for the view is January. This can be modified in the Quarter and Year configuration settings.

  • Clicking More… will take you to the Month view.

  • Use the arrows to move to the next set of months in the Quarter interval.
    Quater view lists months in horizontal rows

  • Displays calendar items over the course of a year.

  • The Year view (and the Quarter view) can be configured to show items with or without color coding and icons.

  • Clicking More… will take you to the Month view.

  • Click a number (1, 2,…) in the left column to see the months in that row displayed in the Quarter view.
    Year view displays months in rows, with 3 months per row

    NOTE: The Starting Month and the option to color code items in the Quarter and Year views is jointly configured

  • The interval shown in the Gantt chart is defined in the Gantt and Task configuration settings.

  • Dynamically sort items in the Gantt view by clicking the column header. Sort feature added in Calendar Plus 4.5
    Gantt chart with legend

Note: If SharePoint List And Library is the calendar data source, you can only show one list or library in the Gantt and Task view.

Run time filtering options in Calendar Plus

Run time filtering options in Calendar Plus

Overview of Calendar Plus user display


Image: Calendar month view displaying content of 2 listsWhen Calendar Plus is configured to use SharePoint List and Libraries as the data source, the display can be configured to allow users to filter by lists or by list views.

Keep in mind:

  • The Show Filter Lists must be checked in Calendar Plus General Settings for the Calendar Name drop down to be shown in the toolbar.

  • The option to filter by a Selected view at run time is configured individually for each SharePoint list or library
    and only selected views will be available


1. Filter display content by lists

Step Action Result
1. Click the Calendar Display Name drop down

Filter by Calendar List Name feature added in Calendar Plus 4.5

Image: Calendar Name drop down selector with all boxes checkedThe drop down menu will list all SharePoint Lists and Libraries displayed in Calendar Plus. By default All Items will be checked.
2. Uncheck boxes so only the desired list is selected. Image: Calendar Name drop down selector, only Corp,Calendar box  checked
3. Click on the page to apply the change The page will refresh to show the filtered display Calendar month view, displaying only Corp. Calendar events
4. To return to a display of all list items select All in the Calendar Name drop down.

All calendar items for the time period will be displayed in the calendar view


2. Filter display content by views

Step Action Result
1. Click the Select View drop down The drop down menu will display list views selected for runtime filtering when the SharePoint list or library was configured. The default Select View is None.

Image: Select view drop down selector displaying names of configured views grouped by list name

2. Select the desired view from the available options
Image: Select View with Marketing list filter selectedFilter by views associated with multiple lists added in Calendar Plus 4.5
The page will refresh and display the appropriate content.

Calendar month view, displaying only Marketing events

3. Click Clear to revert to the original settings

All calendar items for the time period will be displayed in the calendar view


3. Filter display content by lists (Legend)

Step Action Description
1. Uncheck boxes in the Legend so only the desired list is selected.
Filter by Calendar List using the Legend feature added in Calendar Plus 4.6
The Legend will list all SharePoint Lists and Libraries displayed in the current view of the Calendar Plus interface. By default All Items will be checked.
2. The page will refresh to show the filtered display. RefreshedView.png
3. To return to a display of all list items select All in the Calendar DisplayName drop down from the toolbar or re-select checkboxes from the legend display.

All calendar items for the time period will be displayed in the calendar view.


Color printing of a Calendar Plus view

Color printing of a Calendar Plus view

Overview of Calendar Plus user display

Print icon on far right of calendar toolbar If Calendar Plus has been configured to allow printing, the print icon will be visible in the upper right corner of the Calendar Plus display.

Clicking the print icon opens an HTML browser, and printing capabilities are dependent your browser and desktop OS.

Bamboo supports Microsoft Internet Explorer or higher on Windows for SharePoint 2007, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher on Windows for SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

Enable Internet Explorer to print background color:

Internet Explorer 9 or higher

Step Action Result
1. Before printing, click File (Alt+f) in the IE toolbar and click Page Setup… IE 9 File drop down menu

Check the box to Print Background Colors and Images

Keep in Mind:

  • Printing changes within Internet Explorer are temporary.

Page setup screen

Internet Explorer 8

Step Action Result
1. From the Internet Explorer toolbar select Tools > Internet Options IE8 Tools drop down menu

Click the Advanced tab and scroll to the Printing section and select the Print Background colors and images checkbox

NOTE: Internet Explorer may need to be closed and re-opened before this change takes effect

IE8 Advanced tab

Overview of Calendar Plus user display


Image: Calendar Plus month view with highlighted features

1. The availability of the options shown below will vary based on the Web parts configuration.
2. When the links below take you to a new page the Overview of Calendar Plus user display link on that page will return to you this topic.

1. Image: Calendar Name drop down selector with all boxes checkedThe Calendar Name drop down identifies the SharePoint List and libraries associated with the calendar, allowing you to filter the display by list.

NOTE: This feature is only available when using SharePoint Lists and Libraries as the Calendar Plus data source, and when Filter Lists is selected in General Settings. It is not enabled by default.

Filter by Calendar List Name feature added in Calendar Plus 4.5

2. Image: Select view drop down selector displaying names of configured views grouped by list name

  • The drop down menu will display list views, grouped by list, that are available for filtering the contents of the calendar display.
  • The default Select View is None

NOTE: This feature is only available when using SharePoint Lists and Libraries as the Calendar Plus data source, and Runtime Filtering was selected when configuring the list or library. It is not enabled by default.

Filter by views associated with multiple lists added in Calendar Plus 4.5

3. Image: new Item drop down selector

  • Items can be added to SharePoint Lists and Libraries using the New Item link in the toolbar.
  • If multiple list and libraries are configured to Allow users to add items, a drop down menu will be shown.
  • Upon selection a new form of the selected list or library will open

    NOTE: This feature is only available when using Calendar Plus is configured to use SharePoint Lists and Libraries as the data source.

  • Move your mouse over the Go To Date button to select a date from the calendar that appears.
  • Use the arrow keys to move a month forward or backward
  • Use the double arrows to move forward or backward 3 or 6months, based on the Quarter and Year configuration settings.
  • The Day view will be displayed for the selected date.
5. Click the Today, Day, Work Week, Month, Quarter, Year and Gantt buttons in the toolbar to change the calendar view.
6. Use the Print icon in the upper right corner of the display to print the current view
  • When using SharePoint Lists and Libraries as the data source the legend can be configured to show color coding for items based on a specified column, and will visually identify the source list or library.
  • The legend will dynamically adjust to reflect the items displayed in the view.
8. Image: Item cell with white x and circular arrow with red slash

  • The presence of a white ‘x’ in the upper left of an item cell will allow you to delete the item from the calendar display.
  • A circular arrow in the upper right indicated the item is part of a recurring series.
  • A circular arrow with a red slash indicates a change was made to the item that was not applied to the recurring series.
  • Click the item display text to view details for the item by opening the form
9. Calendar Plus can be configured to show holiday information.
  • If the data source was configured for Tool Tips you will see additional information about the item.
  • The columns displayed are defined when configuring the data source for Calendar Plus.
  • If using SharePoint List and Libraries as the data source each list can display a different set of columns in the Tool Tip.

Right-Click on an event to Export Event in iCalendar format and save locally on your hard drive in .ics format.

NOTE: Recurring events may not be recognized when importing into your mail applications, including Outlook Calendar and Google Calendar.

How to Use Calendar Plus with Web Part Connections

How to Use Calendar Plus with Web Part Connections

Calendar Plus can be connected to other SharePoint lists if the data source for Calendar Plus is a list or List Rollup.
This feature is available for a single list as a source.

Note: If the user has multiple lists as source, Web Part Connections cannot be used. In this case, when attempting to use Web Part Connections for filtering, after selecting Consume Filter From, the following pop-up window will be displayed.

Filter Using Web Part Connection for a Single List as a Source

Step Action Result
1. Create a standard SharePoint list containing team members responsible for various tasks.
2. Open the web part menu and select Connections > Send Row of Data To HW20_2013_WebPartConnect1.jpg
Select the column that contains the Provider Field Name and Consumer Field Name.


3. Alternatively, you can make the connection from Calendar Plus, via Connections > Consume Filter From > Person responsible. HW20_2013_WebPartConnect3.jpg



Once your List View Web Part (in this example, Person responsible) is added to the page, you can filter based on a selected view.
* Select an item (in this case, one of the persons set in List View) for filtering calendar data by clicking on the arrow next to the specific item.
* When a view is selected in the list, the arrow will change to bold.
* To deselect an item, click on another view.

Note: Web Part Connections is a good option if you want to filter on a specific data. If you want to view all items, or have multiple lists, use the Runtime Filter option.

5. The following example shows the Calendar displaying the assigned tasks for both persons set in Person responsible List View.


NOTE:If you filter on one of the item of the List View when using Web Part Connection (described in step 3), only assigned tasks related to that specific person are displayed in the Calendar.

How to Filter Data Using the List Filter Web Part

How to Filter Data Using the List Filter Web Part

Filter Data Using List Filter Web Part

Calendar Plus allows the user to filter calendar data via the List Filter Web Part in case of a single list.

Note: If the calendar is set up to display multiple lists, it is not possible to connect to a List Filter Web Part and you will receive the following notification.


To connect and configure a List Filter Web Part, follow the procedures described below after you add the List Filter web part to the page.

Connecting the List Filter Web Part to Calendar Plus

Step Action Result
1. From the List Filter Web Part’s Edit menu, Select Connections > Provide filter value to > Bamboo *Calendar Plus.


NOTE: You can also connect by editing Calendar Plus and selecting Connections > Consume Filter From > Bamboo List Filter Web Part.

Filtering via the List Filter Web Part

Step Action Result
1. The List Filter Web Part must be connected to a SharePoint List Web Part before it can be configured. Otherwise, you’ll see this message in the tool pane when you attempt to configure the web part. hw6126.jpg
2. If you haven’t already done so, add the Web Part that should receive filtered data to the current page.
3. From the Site Actions page, select Edit Page.

From the List Filter Web Part’s Edit menu, select Connections > Send Filter Values To > (your destination Web Part).

NOTE: You can also do this from the destination Web Part, by selecting Connections > Consume Filter From > Bamboo List Filter Web Part.

5. Once you have established the connection between the Calendar Plus and the List Filter Web Parts, you can filter calendar data by configuring the List Filter Web Part and entering filter value. HW6106.jpg
6. When you add the List Filter Web Part to the page, it will indicate that it needs to be configured, as shown here. HW20_2013_ListFilter2.jpg
7. To configure the Web Part, either click the link, or, from the menu located in the top right corner of the web part, select Modify Shared Web Part. Either way, the tool pane will open. The settings are pictured below.
8. Select Calendar Plus from the drop-down menu under Select Connected List.

NOTE: No filter columns are displayed by default.

9. To add a filter column, click the Add Filter button and the following controls will display. HW20_2013_ListFilter4.jpg

First, select the target column from the drop-down menu. This is the column that the filter will be matched against. In the example below calendar data will be filtered based on Status.

NOTE: Some of the available options in the tool pane may change depending on the type of the column selected.

11. To make the default filter value “(Empty)”, select the corresponding checkbox located below the Select Target Column option.
12. Enter a name for your filter column. Click Add and then OK.

Note: You can add multiple filters and can further adjust their settings or change the order in which they are displayed for the users.

13. You can edit the filter columns by moving columns up and down, or delete them by clicking the corresponding control. When editing is done, click the Save/Update filter icon to apply your changes.
14. To activate the filter, enter filter values into one or more of the listed filter columns and click Apply Filter. To remove the filter and display all data, click Clear Filter.

This example shows the Calendar displaying tasks for all statuses set in Weekly report List View.


NOTE: If you apply the filter In Progress when connecting to the List Filter Web Part, only tasks with this specific status are displayed in the Calendar.



How to Color Code Tasks for Multiple Users

How to Color Code Tasks for Multiple Users

Step Action Result
1. Configure Calendar Plus to display items from a Tasks List, displaying the Title column, and color-coding each Task item by Created By.


Note: If there are more than 100 users available in your SharePoint environment, you must click the Browse Address Book icon to select users.

Manual User Entry

Step Action Result
1. Type a user name in the field and separate with semicolons (;). Then click Save.


Calendar Plus automatically assigns color codes for each of the users you entered. Click a user name to change the color.

Address Book User Entry

Step Action Result
1. Click the Browse Address Book icon to search for users. HW20_2013_ColorCodeMultiUser2a.jpg
2. Enter the user name in the Find box and click the Search icon.
3. Select a user from the results list and click Add.
4. Click OK after all users are selected. Calendar Plus automatically assigns color codes for each of the users you entered.
5. Click a user name to change the color.