WBS Level Format Settings

WBS Level Format Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

You can configure the text for the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) numbering in the Task Master tool pane. To format a WBS level:

Step Action Result
1. In the tool pane under WBS Level Format Settings, choose the WBS level in the WBS Level drop-down list. WBS.jpg
2. Select Click here to format the selected WBS Level.

After you select a WBS level and click on the green hyperlink, a blue formatting box is added to the WBS Level Format Settings section.
Click the blue box to set the text formatting for that level.

Icon-WarningImportantThe level you pick in the drop down box will be matched in the blue selector box that appears above it. In our screen shot above, we picked X.X.X.X.X and that is the formatting option that appears in the blue box above it.

3. A dialog box allows you to choose format the font, font color (i.e. Foreground > Pick), font size and font style. Text.jpg
4. After you finish formatting the text for each level, click Apply and then click OK.

This is an example of how each level is formatted differently:
The result of the formatting will appear as follows:

NOTE: If when you are working with Task Master and the text color in the grid changes after you click Recalculate, refresh the browser by clicking F5 to reapply color coding.

Task Master Preferences

Task Master Preferences

Return to Configuration Overview

GenSettings.jpg Click on a category name below for details about the options available in the Preferences section of the Web Part Settings. To edit Task Master Web Part Settings, edit the Web Part properties and click the Task Master Web Part Settings button in the Web Part tool pane.

Step Action Result
1. Show Go to List When selected, the Go to List button is displayed in the Task Master web part. Go to List opens the task list in a SharePoint list view.
2. Show Legends Allows you to show or hide the legend at the bottom of the Task Master web part. The legend defines the color codes used for items displayed in the Gantt view.
3. Show Critical Path When selected, includes an option in the Task Master web part to highlight tasks that are in the critical path. See: How to Show the Critical Path.
4. Show Grid or Show Gantt

Select whether the Task Master web part displays the task grid, the Gantt chart, or both.

NOTE: You must select at least one.

5. Allow Insert Task

When selected, allows users to insert new tasks above or below existing ones directly in the task grid. When Insert Task is enabled, an Insert Task icon hw45-2010-inserttaskicon.jpg is displayed next to each task in the task list so that users can click the Insert Task icon.

NOTE: Notice this option is disabled. To enable this option, you must deselect the option Save changes to my task list every time a change is made in the Gantt chart in the Dependency Settings section. See Task Master Schedule and Calculation Settings for further clarification.

6. Show Delete Items When selected, the Delete Item button is displayed in the Task Master web part. To delete one or more tasks, select the radio button next to the task(s) and click Delete Item in the toolbar menu. Click OK in the prompt to delete the selected task(s) and its subtasks.
7. Automatically expand level By default this field is set to 0, which means that all of the summary task groups in your task list will be collapsed when you first access Task Master. If you set this field to 1, the summary task groups will be expanded and will show the first level of tasks under the summary task. To view tasks under a first-level task, click the + to expand that level. You can set the level to work with as many levels as you introduce in your task list.
8. Duration and Work Choose how your calculated duration and work are displayed: by days, hours or minutes. After adding a new task, click the Recalculate button to calculate the duration and work for the new task.
9. Total slack is displayed in A Total Slack of zero indicates the task is a critical task, meaning that the amount of time a task finish date can be delayed without affecting the project finish date.
10. WBS Level Format Settings Configure these settings to format the display properties for a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) level.
For each summary task group, X represents the WBS level for that task and corresponds to the Task Master outline structure. In the example above, Initiation Phase with a WBS of 1 is at level 1 (X), while Contractor Labor Hours with a WBS of is at level 4 (X.X.X.X). Formatting WBS levels does not require that you show the WBS column or maintain the WBS structure. More detailed description can be found here.

Task Master Progress Bar Settings

Task Master Progress Bar Settings

Return to Task Master View Settings

hw45-2010-ProgressBarSettings.jpg Use these settings to configure the progress bar for tasks in the Gantt chart.

  • Select progress bar color: Enter in the Hex color number or select a color from the drop-down list.
  • Select Percent Complete Column: Select your column to be displayed. The only columns available in this drop-down list are the Number data-type columns from the list you selected earlier, such as % Complete or Assignment Units.

Task Master Schedule and Calculation Settings

Task Master Schedule and Calculation Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

Click on a category name below for details about the options available in the Schedule and Calculation Settings section of the Task Master web part settings.

To edit Task Master web part Settings, edit the web part properties and click the Task Master web part settings button in the web part tool pane.

Task Master Task Assignments

Task Master Task Assignments

Return to Configuration Overview

You can calculate task assignments based on three options:


These options give you more flexibility when assigning tasks and building schedules. They are located in the tool pane under Dependency Settings.

Use the following table to decide which option to choose.

Task Type If Duration is modified If Work is modified If Assignment Units is modified
Fixed Work Task Assignment Units is recalculated Duration is recalculated Duration is recalculated
Fixed Duration Task Work is recalculated Assignment Units is recalculated Work is recalculated

Calculate resources method: In Task Master (Release 3.5 and above), you can choose how task resources are calculated when resources are added or removed from an existing task. These options give you more flexibility when assigning tasks and building schedules. They are located in the tool pane under Dependency Settings.

Task Master View Settings

Task Master View Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

Click on a category name below for details about the options available in the View Settings section of the Task Master web part Settings.

To edit Task Master web part Settings, edit the web part properties and click the Task Master web part Settings button in the Web Part tool pane.

Task Master Working Hours Settings

Task Master Working Hours Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

By default, Task Master uses a 24-hour day, 7-day week, 365-day calendar to schedule tasks. Nights, weekends and holidays are not excluded in task schedule calculations, but they can be. If you want to define specific workdays, exclude holidays, or enforce working hours for tasks, you can configure these settings in the Task Master tool pane. The workdays and working hours you select are designated as the only time that tasks can be worked on. Task schedule calculations will only include the days and times you specify in the tool pane settings.

NOTE: In Task Master 3.5 and above for SharePoint 2010/2013, you have the option to exclude lunch breaks.

The following settings can be configured in the Task Master tool pane. Click a setting to learn more.

Additional information about working hours can also be found on these topics:

Return to Task Master Schedule and Calculation Settings

Task Master Data Source Settings

Task Master Data Source Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

DataSourceType.jpg Click on a category name below for details about the options available in the Data Source Settings section of the Web Part Settings.

Each Task Master instance connects to a single data source. A data source contains the data to be represented in the schedule:

  1. To connect to a data source, first select its type (SharePoint List or Bamboo List Rollup) in the Select Data Source Settings page.
  2. Then click SharePoint or List Rollup in the left menu to configure connection details.

Configure a SharePoint List or Library

Configure Bamboo List Rollup Settings

Task Master Dependency Settings

Task Master Dependency Settings

Return to Configuration Overview

In the tool pane under Task Master Configuration > Dependency Settings, you can select the following Dependency Settings:


  1. Save changes to my Task list every time a change is made in the Gantt chart: Select this option to save selected changes immediately. If you do not select this option, Save and Refresh are available on the menu. Refresh will undo your changes from the last time that you saved. Save will save the new changes.

  2. Do not show warning message when users click the Save button: You will see this option disabled if you have checked the box in Step 1. If you deselect that check box, then you can see this box enabled and select it so that users receive a warning message each time they click the Save button.

  1. Show the Recalculate button: Select this option to display the Recalculate button on the Task Master toolbar. Clicking Recalculate allows Task Master to recalculate and adjust your schedule after you make changes or add new tasks.

    NOTE: You can disable the Recalculate button in order to turn off Task Master calculations and applied business rules.

    To disable the Recalculation button, deselect Show the Recalculate button. This will remove the Recalculate button from the toolbar menu and Task Master will not re-compute anything until the button is enabled again.

  2. Calculate task based on: With this option, you can assign tasks based on three options:

    • Start Date and Due Date (the default option)
    • Start Date and Work
    • Start Date and Duration
  1. Calculate resources method: With this option, you can choose how task resources are calculated when resources are added or removed from an existing task. Calculate resources methods are as follows:

See also:

Task Master Display Columns Settings

Task Master Display Columns Settings

Return to Task Master View Settings

hw45-2010-columnsettings.jpg Column Settings: Configure these settings to display specific columns in the task grid.

  • Value: Select a column from the drop-down list to be displayed in the task grid, such as Title, WBS or Parent Task.
  • Width (px): Type in the width of each column in pixels.
  • Add Row: Click this button to add another column.
  • Remove Row: Click this button to remove a column.
  • Show the task number (No.) column: Select this option to show the No. column. This column only shows the order of the tasks in the grid. It is not the same as WBS numbering.

Task Master Gantt Settings

Task Master Gantt Settings

Return to Task Master View Settings

hw45-2010-GanttBarTextSettings.jpgGantt Bar Text Settings: Configure the settings for the text that is displayed next to the task bar in the Gantt chart.

  • Show Gantt Bar text: Select this option to display text next to the task bar in the Gantt chart.
  • Display text from this column: Select the column that contains the text you want to display.
  • Font color: Enter in the Hex color number or select a color from the drop-down list.

Gantt View Display Settings: Use these settings to configure the appearance of the Gantt chart.

* Filter and show all tasks starting from this date: Enter the date that you want to use to filter the tasks in the Gantt view. For example, if you enter 6/1/2011, then all tasks with a start date prior to 6/1/2011 will not be displayed in the Gantt view.

NOTE: This filtered date is applied to all selected list views.

  • Scale for Gantt View: Select the default time scale for the Gantt chart (Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year).
  • Gantt View Start Date: Enter the Start Date for the date interval in the Gantt view, select the Today option to use today’s date, or click to select a date.
  • Show week number in Gantt view: Select this option to display the week numbers in the Gantt view. This option displays the week number in Week, Month and Quarter views only.
  • Display graphical bar as an absolute task duration in Quarter and Year view: Select this option so that the bar in the Gantt view represents the absolute task’s duration when using the Quarter or Year views. If you do not select this option, the bar represents the relative task’s duration.

Task Master Glossary of Terms

Task Master Glossary of Terms


The terms listed below are words that are commonly used in task and resource management, scheduling and other related practices. There are also explanations for what some of the functions in Task Master are.

% A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


% Complete: The percentage of the duration that actually is completed for the task (or sub-tasks, if a summary task). For more information on how % Complete is calculated, read this Microsoft KB.

% Work Complete: The percentage of work that is completed for the task (or sub-tasks, if a summary task). % Work Complete is calculated the same way as % Complete, but using the Actual Work and Work fields instead of Actual Duration and Duration.


Actual Cost: Based on the percentage of the cost.

Actual Cost (Enter): This field allows you to manually enter the Actual Cost if you want to replace Actual Cost, which is automatically calculated by the application.

Actual Duration: The actual span of a task from start to finish, based on % Complete.

Actual Finish: The date when an assigned resource is actually finishing working on a task.

Actual Start: The date when an assigned resource actually begins to work on a task.

Actual Work: The actual percentage of the work that the resource has completed.

Actual Work in Days: The actual percentage of the work in days that the resource has completed.

Actual Work in Hours: The actual percentage of the work in hours that the resource has completed.
Assigned To: The resource that has been delegated to a task, risk, issue, etc.

Assignment Units: Determines the assigned resource’s allocation to a task, such as 50% or 100%.



BSC: Balanced scorecard–a performance management tool used to keep track of the execution of the activities by staff members.


Child Task: The subtask of a Parent Task or Summary Task.

Constraint: Applied to a task to restrict how the task’s start and finish dates are calculated. Use constraints when you need to control the start or finish date of a task. See Constraint Type.

Constraint Type: Constraints are applied to a task to restrict how the task’s start and finish dates are calculated. See Constraints. Constraint Types include:

  • As Soon As Possible (ASAP): Schedules the task to begin as early as possible. Do not enter a start or finish date with this constraint. This is the default choice.
  • Start No Earlier Than (SNET): Schedules the task to start on or after a specified date. Use this constraint to ensure that the task does not start before a specified date.
  • Start No Later Than (SNLT): Schedules the tasks to start on or before a specified date. Use this constraint to ensure that the task does not start after a specified date.
  • Must Start On (MSO): Schedules the task to start on a specified date.
  • Critical Path: The longest path to finish a project. It includes the series of tasks that dictate the finish date for the project. If one task in the critical path is delayed, the project finish date will change.

Critical Task: A task that has zero Total Slack: the task is in the Critical Path. Critical tasks cannot be delayed without affecting the project finish date.



Days Overdue: The number of days an incomplete task is overdue. If Today > Due Date and % Complete < 100%, the task is overdue. The number of days it is overdue is the number of workdays between today and the Due Date.

Duration: The total span of a task from start to finish. Duration is calculated by (Due Date – Start Date)(Working Hours/Day)


Early Finish: The earliest date a task can finish based on the Early Finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks and other task constraints. This is the earliest date a task can finish if all predecessor and successor tasks also finish on their Early Finish dates.

Early Start: The earliest date a task can start based on predecessor and successor tasks and other constraints.


Finish: The date when an assigned resource is scheduled to finish working on a task.


Late Finish: The latest date a task can finish without delaying the project finish date.

Late Start: The latest date a task can start without delaying the project finish date.



Milestone: A scheduled event that signifies the completion of a major deliverable. Milestones are used to monitor the project’s progress. Typically, they are tasks with a duration of 0 time units (such as hours, days or weeks).


Overallocation: Assigning more tasks to a resource than the resource can accomplish in the available working time.


Parent Task: Tasks that are made up of subtasks and that summarize those subtasks. Also called Summary Tasks.

Predecessor Task: A dependency task on which the task depends before it can be started or finished.


Resource Allocation: How a resource is assigned to a task or project.



Schedule Status: A status indicator based on the number of days a task is overdue. The indicator and number of days can be configured by modifying the Schedule Status column settings in the task list.

Start: The date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.

Summary Tasks: Tasks that are made up of subtasks and that summarize those subtasks. Also called Parent Tasks.



Task Dependency: The relationship between tasks.

Total Slack: The amount of time a task finish date can be delayed without affecting the project finish date. A Total Slack of zero indicates the task is a critical task.


Units: The quantity that a resource is assigned to a task. See Assignment Units and Maximum Units.


WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): A hierarchical structure used to organize tasks for reporting schedules and tracking costs. Tasks are typically grouped beneath their summary or parent tasks, with each level down representing an increasingly detailed description of the task deliverable. For example, the Parent Task Develop Application has a WBS of 1.0. It has two child tasks, Write Requirements Document, which has a WBS of 1.1, and Review Preliminary Build, which has a WBS of 1.2.

Work: The hours that the resource works on a task.

Workdays: The days of the week when work can be done on a project task. Workdays can be defined in the Task Master Web Part settings.

Working hours: The hours of the day when work can be done on a project task. Working hours can be defined in the Task Master Web Part settings.


Task Master Milestone Settings

Task Master Milestone Settings

Return to Task Master View Settings

hw45-2010-MilestoneSettings.jpgConfigure the appearance of milestones in the Gantt chart.

  • Select the Milestone column: Select the Milestone column in the task list. If you use a different list, then select the column that contains the Milestone indicator.
  • Milestone label: Select a column to be displayed next to the milestone in the Gantt view.

hw45-2010-MilestoneSettings2.jpgClick inside the box next to the Milestone label column drop-down list to set formatting for the Milestone label text. A dialog box is displayed so that you can choose font color (Foreground > Pick), font size and font style.

  • Set milestone color based on: Select a Choice column in the task list to base the milestone color on the value for that column. For example, to base your milestone column color on the current task status, select the Status column and choose a color for each status choice.

NOTE: To use the same color for all milestone tasks (like previous versions of Task Master), select any Choice column and use the same color for all choices.

Task Master Multiple Predecessor Tasks

Task Master Multiple Predecessor Tasks

Return to Configuration Overview

If your task requires that more than one other task in your project be completed before it can start, you can assign multiple Predecessor Tasks. By default, Task Master is configured to allow only one Predecessor Task per item. To allow multiple Predecessor Tasks, perform the following steps:

Step Action Result
1. Go to Site Actions > View All Site Content. In the Lists section, select the task list configured for Task Master. The default task list is Bamboo Project Task List.
2. In the List Tools > Lists ribbon, click the List Settings button.
3. In the Columns section, click the Predecessor Task column to edit its settings.
4. In the Additional Column Settings section, select the Allow multiple values option. hw45-2010-allowmultiplepredecessors.jpg
5. Click OK to save the column setting changes.

Now when you add or edit a task, you have the option to select one or more Predecessor Task items. The Start Date of the new/updated task will be after the Due Date of the latest Predecessor Task.

You can also add or edit Predecessor Tasks directly in the grid. Click in the Predecessor Tasks column and check the tasks you want to add to the list.


In the example below, notice that Task 1 and Task 2 are assigned as Predecessor Tasks for Task 3. The Start Date of Task 3 is after the Due Date of Task 2, which finishes latest.


Return to Configuration Overview

Task Master Color Coding Settings

Task Master Color Coding Settings

Return to Task Master View Settings

hw45-2010-colorcoding.jpg Configure the color of the Gantt bar for any Choice column in the task list, such as Constraint Type, Priority or Status. Color coding is automatically added to the Task Master legend (if displayed).

  • Select a column to color code: The only columns available in this drop-down box are the Choice data-type columns from the list you selected earlier. After selecting a column, the values are displayed below for color selection.
  • Auto Select: Click this button to randomly select colors for the values.
  • Column Name: This is the choice value as defined by the selected column.
  • Hex: Enter in the Hex color number or select a color from the Color drop-down list.
  • Color: Select a color for each value from the drop-down list.

Task Master Custom Task Identifier

Task Master Custom Task Identifier

Return to Configuration Overview

If you need a way to identify tasks other than a simple Task ID or WBS number, you can configure an automatically-generated task ID using Bamboo’s Custom Identifier Column. Custom Identifier Column allows you to add a custom column to your task list that generates a unique ID every time a new task is added.

NOTE: Custom Identifier Column is not included with SharePoint Task Master, but can be purchased separately and is compatible with it.

Add Custom Identifier Column to your task list before you create project tasks.

Icon-Warning Important Notes::

  • If you add Custom Identifier Column to a task list that already has tasks, any existing tasks will not be updated with a unique ID. Only new tasks that are created after the column is added will be assigned a unique ID value.
  • If you configure Custom Identifier Column with the option to Automatically Generate Unique ID, Task Master users will not able to change the ID for their tasks. Instead, consider using the option Force User-Entered ID to be Unique. This allows users to specify their own ID for tasks, and only checks that they enter one that has not been used before.

After you add Custom Identifier Column to your task list, you can display it in Task Master by adding a column to the grid view; see how to do it here.

The example below shows a task that was assigned a unique ID value using Custom Identifier Column.

Switch Between Enforcing Working Hours and Not Enforcing Working Hours

Switch Between Enforcing Working Hours and Not Enforcing Working Hours

Return to Configuration Overview

If you choose to switch back to NOT enforcing working hours, you can clear the Enforce these working hours option in the tool pane:

Step Action
1. On the page where you have placed Task Master, open the configuration tool pane by clicking the arrow to the right of the Task Master title bar and selecting Modify Shared Web Part.
2. In the Working Hours Settings, uncheck Enforce these working hours.
3. Click Apply and then OK to save your changes.
4. Click Recalculate on the Web Part tool bar.

When you click Recalculate, Task Master updates the Due Date of your tasks to use a 24-hour day. The new Due Date is the Start Date + Duration in hours (or Start Date + Work in hours, if tasks are calculated using Start Date and Work).

NOTE: If you display Duration in days, the number of days will change when you return to a 24-hour day, but Duration in hours remains the same. For example, if you have a task with a Duration of 16 hours and you previously had working hours of 9 AM to 5 PM, Duration in days was 2 days (two 8-hour working days). When you stop enforcing working hours, the Duration is still 16 hours, but only 0.67 days (16 hours out of a 24-hour day).

In this example, working hours of 9 AM to 5 PM were previously enforced. Task Duration was 18 hours: May 4th 9 AM to 5 PM (8 hours), May 5th 9 AM to 5 PM (8 hours), and May 6th 9 AM to 11 AM (2 hours).

  • Start Date and Time: May 4, 2010 at 9 AM
  • Due Date and Time: May 6, 2010 at 11 AM

When working hours are no longer enforced, the Start Date remains the same, but a new Due Date is calculated using the Duration of 18 hours and a 24-hour workday :

  • Start Date and Time: May 4, 2010 at 9 AM (15 hours)
  • Due Date and Time: May 5, 2010 at 3 AM (3 hours)

You can also choose to format the Start and Due Date columns as Date Only instead of Date & Time. In the example above, this would change the Start Date to May 4th and the Due Date to May 5th (without a time).

Return to: Task Master Working Hours Settings

Configure Task Assignments Based on Start & Due Dates

Configure Task Assignments Based on Start & Due Dates

Return to Task Assignments

Why use this option? Use Start Date and Due Date to assign a task when you know when the task will start and when it will finish. You have two other options; see also:

Start Date and Due Date is the default option for assigning tasks. The new Assignment Units allows you to assign multiple resources to a task. You can enter a percentage of time that one or more resources are assigned to the task. In this case, two resources are assigned at 50%.

Use Case

  • Richard Kimble, a project manager, has a task for team members JeffDesign and QA One.
  • JeffDesign and QA One can start the task on October 4, 2012, and finish it on October 6, 2012.
  • JeffDesign and QA One are both able to work on the task 50% of the time.
  • Richard needs to create the task using a Start Date of 10/4/2012 at 8:00 AM and a Due Date of 10/6/2012 at 5:00 PM with Assignments Units of 50% for both JeffDesign and QA One.

In the tool pane under the Working Hours Setting, Richard selects the Enforce these working hours option, chooses his work hours as 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and selects Exclude lunch time. He also excludes weekends from task scheduling.

Under Dependency Settings, Richard selects the Default using Start Date and Due Date option and the Increase or decrease duration so task ends sooner or later but requires the same total work option.


Richard creates the task as shown below and then clicks Recalculate from the Task Master toolbar.

Task Master updates the task to use the specified Start and Due Dates of 10/4/2012 and 10/6/2012.

Return to Task Master Task Assignments

Task Master Start Date and Duration

Task Master Start Date and Duration

Return to Task Assignments

Use Start Date and Duration to assign tasks if you know the length of time that it will take to complete the task and when the task can start. You have two other options:

These options give you more flexibility when assigning tasks and building schedules. They are located in the tool pane under Dependency Settings. When you assign tasks based on Start Date and Duration, Work, Assignment Units and Due Date are calculated based on the Duration units.

Use Case

Richard has a task he knows will take about 10 days and will begin on October 4, 2012. He wants to enter the Start Date as 10/4/2012 at 8:00 AM and the Duration as 10 days. He does not want to have to look at his calendar and count out the days in order to determine what the task’s end date will be.

  • In the tool pane under Working Hours Setting, Richard selects the Enforce these working hours option
  • He chooses his work hours as 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and selects Exclude lunch time
  • He also Excludes weekends from task scheduling

Under Dependency Settings, Richard selects the Using Start Date and Duration option and the Increase or decrease the total work because the task requires less or more work hours. Keep duration constant. option.


Richard creates the task as shown below and then clicks Recalculate on the Task Master toolbar.

Task Master uses the specified Start Date and Duration and updates the task to have a Due Date of 10/17/2012 at 5:00 PM.

Return to Task Master Task Assignments

Start Date and Work

Start Date and Work

Return to Task Assignments

hw45-2010-assignedto.jpgAssign tasks using Start Date and Work if you know how much work is required to complete the task and when your resource can start working on the task. You can only use this option if the task is assigned to a resource in the Assigned To column.

You have two other options:

These options give you more flexibility when assigning tasks and building schedules. They are located in the tool pane under Dependency Settings.

Use Case

Richard has a task for Ashley. She can start the task on October 4, 2012, but can only work on the task half of the time because she has been assigned to another project as well. Ashley estimates that the task will take her 34 hours to complete.

  • Richard needs to create the task using a Start Date of 10/4/2012 at 8:00 AM
  • He sets the amount of Work 34 hours
  • The Assignment Units will be 50%.

In the tool pane under Working Hours Setting, Richard selects the Enforce these working hours option, chooses work hours as 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and selects Exclude lunch time. He also excludes weekends from task scheduling.

Under Dependency Settings, Richard selects the Using Start Date and Work option and the Increase or decrease duration so task ends sooner or later but requires the same total work option.

Richard creates the task as shown below and then clicks Recalculate from the Task Master toolbar.


Task Master uses the specified Start Date and Work and updates the task to have a Due Date of 10/16/2012 at 12:00 PM.

Return to: Task Master Task Assignments

Release Notes for Task Master

Release Notes for Task Master

NOTE: Release Notes will open in a new browser tab

WSSv3/MOSS SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2016
Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes
Microsoft ended mainstream support for SharePoint 2007 in October 2012. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy.
At that time, Bamboo stopped enhancements to our SharePoint 2007 product line, but continues to provide support and bug fixes to customers with active support contracts until October 2017. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2017, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2007 products in October 2016 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.
Microsoft plans to end mainstream support for SharePoint 2010 in October 2015. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy. At that time, we will stop any enhancements for our SharePoint 2010 product line but will continue to provide support and bug fixes for our SharePoint 2010 products to customers with active support contracts until October 2020. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2020, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2010 products in October 2019 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.

Visit our website where you can get the latest info about each of our products for SharePoint 2013.

A separate installation package and license key is required for SharePoint 2013 deployment. For additional details, review the following knowledge base articles:

Bamboo Solutions has also begun releasing products for SharePoint 2016. For additional details, check the product release notes in the link above, or contact us.

For details on migration, see the Knowledge Base Article “Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016”

Understanding Bamboo Releases:

  • Bamboo offers Trial, Basic and Premium support.
    • Free Trial support expires after 30 days.
    • For more information about Basic and Premium support, please see the Support Plans page.
    • There may be a fee to upgrade from a major version to another.

See Also:

Overview of Task Master

Overview of Task Master

SharePoint Task Master shows tasks and milestones hierarchically, with dependencies and related task information, in a task details grid and Gantt chart view. Display only the task information you choose, in the order and level of detail you need. Task data is stored in the Bamboo Project Task List or in a task list of your choice, anywhere in the SharePoint site collection.

To use SharePoint Task Master:

Step 1: Add the Web Part to a page and configure it.

  • Add the Bamboo Task Master Web Part to a page and open the tool pane to select a task list, set working hours and holidays, and define Gantt chart and grid view options.

Step 2: Add tasks.

  • To start adding tasks, click the New Item button and enter task information. Indicate whether the task is a Parent Task (i.e., Summary Task), has Predecessor Tasks that must be completed before this task can start, or has constraints like Start No Later Than or Must Start On a specific date.

Step 3: Manage tasks using the task grid and Gantt views.

  • In the Task Master Web Part, edit tasks, switch views (i.e., Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year) or filter the tasks displayed by selecting a different task list view. Print the task details grid or Gantt chart, zoom the timescale in or out to view more or less task detail, show the critical path, and more.

Overview of Task Master Configuration

Overview of Task Master Configuration

Click any of the topics linked below for details about configuring Task Master and to gain more knowledge about the various settings. There is a lot to consider when setting up Task Master; some of these topics may have sub-topics associated to them as well.

HW45_EditWebPart_001.pngTo start editing the settings for Task Master, add the web part to a page and edit the Web Part properties. Click the Task Master Settings button in the Web Part tool pane to display the Web Part Settings page.HW45_EditWebPart_002.png

NOTE: You must disable pop-up blockers for the site to display the web part Settings page.

Configuring Task Master

Migrating Task Master from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

Migrating Task Master from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

Be sure you have at least the Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release (shown in the table below) installed before migrating. If not, upgrade your Bamboo product release before migrating. For more information, see Upgrading your Bamboo Web Part. Also, the target SharePoint 2013 farm requires at least the Minimum SharePoint 2013 product release shown.

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: When migrating from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, the Database Attach Upgrade Method is the only method supported.

Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release 30.5.117 Minimum SharePoint 2013 Product Release
Database Attach Upgrade Method
Issues The Task Master migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A

Migrating Task Master from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Migrating Task Master from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

Be sure you have at least the Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release (shown in the table below) installed before migrating. If not, upgrade your Bamboo product release before migrating. For more information, see Upgrading your Bamboo Web Part. Also, the target SharePoint 2010 farm requires at least the Minimum SharePoint 2010 product release shown.

Icon-Warning IMPORTANT: When migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010, you MUST select the option to change existing SharePoint sites to use the new user experience. Your Bamboo products will not perform as expected with the old look and feel.

Minimum SharePoint 2007 Product Release 2.0.150 Minimum SharePoint 2010 Product Release 20.0.34
In-Place Upgrade
Issues The Task Master Web Part migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A
Database Attach Upgrade Method
Issues The Task Master Web Part migrates without any errors or additional steps required.
Resolution N/A