Using Relative Paths

Using Relative Paths

KBSA Configuration Overview

Use the table below to determine how your relative paths will appear.

Site Path Equivilent to
Top Site (Root Site)




Sub-site (Current Web Site)





Using Tab View

Using Tab View

Tab View is a home page Web Part for the KB client site that displays and searches article lists. Read more about configuring Tab View.

The client site also offers another viewing mode, Tree View, which is located in the quick launch.

Viewing Articles

Clicking on an article title from tab view automatically opens the article in a pop-up window. The blue arrow icon next to the article title opens the article in a new browser tab.



The Featured tab displays a dashboard of Popular, Top Rated, Recently Updated, and Recently added articles.

Categories displays articles by category grouping. Click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the web part to view additional categories.

All Articles lists articles by creation date.


Categories & Breadcrumbs

While navigating through categories, Tab View will display a breadcrumb trail of your current location at the top of the display pane. Click on any of the hyperlinked categories in the trail to jump to that category. Clicking on the link icon will display a direct link to the category you are currently viewing, which you can send to other users.



The Search all articles search bar conducts a simple search across Article Title and Article Text and displays results in whatever list view you configured for the Tab View WP. For more robust search options, use the search option in the quick launch menu on the left.


Use a Designated Account to Access Data

Use a Designated Account to Access Data

This is the default option for security for the KB Client site. This selection can be made in the Bamboo KB Client Configuration List, located in the KB Client site.

Use this option if:

  • You do not want different SharePoint groups or individual users to have access to the KB Picture Library or KB articles or categories.
  • And/or you want to allow anonymous access to the KB Client site. (Note: Users using an anonymous login will not be able to view list items that have broken item permissions. A SharePoint access account for anonymous access is required.)

The KB Client site will display an error message after a new KB Client site is created or after an existing KB Client site is upgraded. Before the KB Client site can be viewed, the KB Client Configuration List must be modified, and an access account must be selected.

Security Configuration for the Access Account for the KB Admin Site

At the KB Admin site, the access account needs Read-Only access to the following:

  • Bamboo KB Articles List
  • Bamboo KB Categories List
  • Bamboo KB Article View Counts List
  • Bamboo KB Rating and Comments List
  • Bamboo KB Tag Cloud List
  • KB Picture Library

The access account needs Limited access to the KB Admin site.

The access account can read KB articles, categories and image links stored in the KB Picture Library. However, the access account does not have access to other KB Admin site pages, and the account cannot log into the KB Admin site with Limited access. Knowledge Base Administrators can grant the access account a higher level of permission, such as Read-Only access, if necessary.

Knowledge Base Administrators can allow the access account to read a specific number of articles in the KB Articles and KB Categories lists by breaking list item permissions and removing the access account’s Read-Only permissions for those items. The items in the KB Articles and KB Categories lists that the access account can read and view in the KB Admin site can be read and viewed in the KB Client site.

NOTE: If the links to the images in a KB article are stored in a different library or list, then the access account must have permission to read the links from that library or list.

Security Configuration for the Access Account for the KB Client Site

Knowledge Base Administrators only need to grant Read-Only access to the KB Client site to other users or groups. The KB Client site also allows anonymous access. When these SharePoint users/groups or anonymous users access the KB Client site, searching for and displaying KB articles is based on the access account permission to the KB Admin site.

For example, a Knowledge Base Administrator creates a different SharePoint group and grants Read-Only access to that group in the KB Client site. The following SharePoint users/groups have Read-Only or higher permissions to the KB Client site. They can access the KB Client site, and they have access to all of the pages in the site.

  • Forum Lock
  • PMGReview Members
  • PMGReviewVisitorTop
  • SPUser1
  • SPUser3

See also:



Templates allow users to save, edit, and re-use common article formats.

To save a template, open the “New Article” page and create the template in the “Article Text” box. Then click “Save Template” to open a prompt to name your template. Your saved template will generally be available to all other authors, depending on how your administrator has set up permissions. To open a saved template, simply select the template name from the “Select Template” dropdown menu under “Article text.”



Templates are stored under Site Contents > Bamboo KB Template. You can view, sort, edit, and delete templates directly from this list.

Users cannot overwrite templates from the text editor. If you would like to revise a template, we recommend loading it in the “New Article” prompt, editing it, and saving it as a new template, for the most robust editing options. Editing directly in the list does not offer as many formatting options. Administrators can delete old copies and rename new ones in the list settings.

Tag Clouds

Tag Clouds

The Bamboo Knowledge Base Tag Cloud List allows Administrators to add new tags to be associated with articles. End users on the KB Client site can then view a tag cloud to view articles associated with that tag.

Add tags to the Bamboo KB Tag Cloud List:

Step Action
1. From the KB Admin site, click All Site Content.
2. Under Lists, select Bamboo KB Tag Cloud.
3. Click Add new item to add a new tag to the list. Click Save.

Tag Cloud Article Access in Knowledge Base

Tag Cloud Article Access in Knowledge Base

Overview of Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator

The Tag Cloud Web Part lets you locate articles that have been viewed the most times by selecting a commonly used keyword (i.e. “user”) from the tag cloud.

To configure the Bamboo KB Tag Cloud Web Part :

Step Action Description
1. From the KB Client site, click the Tag Cloud link. Edit the KB Tag Cloud Web Part.
2. Enter the site URL for your Bamboo KB Admin site.
3. Enter the relative path to the KB Admin site and click the green arrow to populate the fields below.
4. Select the KB Articles List: Select the Bamboo KB Articles List.
4. Select the KB Tag Cloud List: Selected the Bamboo KB Tag Cloud List.
5. Enter the URL to the page that contains the Bamboo Display Article Web Part for displaying article content: This field is prepopulated with the relative path to the Bamboo KB Display Article Web Part.
6. Tag Format: Click to select a font type, style, color, background color, alignment, decoration, etc. in the dialog box.
7. Number of Top Tags to Display: Enter the number of tags you want to display in the tag cloud. In the example screenshot above, only 20 of the most viewed (i.e. top) tags will be displayed in the tag cloud.
Show Drop-Down Filter Menu: Select this check box to show a filter drop-down box that allows users to locate tags in the cloud by first letter of the tag name.
8. Number of Related Articles to Display: Enter the number of related articles you want displayed after selecting a tag in the cloud.
9. Select a Language: Select this option to set the language used on the user interface of this Web Part. See Localize Bamboo Web Parts for your Language for more information.
10. Click Apply and then click OK to save your changes.

Searching Using AND OR or MINUS

Searching Using AND OR or MINUS

There are several operators that can be used when searching for content. Users can search for multiple criteria in the same field using AND, “quotes around search term” or + plus sign. Content can also be found using the OR operator or you can eliminate results using the minus sign. See examples for each below.

Using search operators AND, Quotes or Plus:

sa05-2010-usingAND1.jpg In the examples below, the terms “Troubleshoot” and “Farm” are used to search for articles.
In this example, the user is searching for both words “Troubleshooting” AND “Farm” using the AND operator.
sa05-2010-usingAND2.jpg Even without the AND operator, the results are the same if using quotes around the two search words.
sa05-2010-usingAND3.jpg In this example, the plus (+) operator is used and again the results are identical.

Using search operators OR or a Space

sa05-2010-usingOR1.jpg The term “PowerShell” or the term “SharePoint 2010” are both used to search for articles. Results containing either of the terms will display.
sa05-2010-usingOR2.jpg Users can search for multiple criteria in the same field using OR or a space. The results are the same regardless of how the search terms are entered.

Using search operator Minus

sa05-2010-usingminus1.jpg Users can omit specific criteria when searching by using the minus sign (-). In this example, articles that include “Bamboo” but do not include “2010” are displayed by entering Bamboo -2010 for the search string.

Release Notes for Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator

Release Notes for Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator

NOTE: Release Notes will open in a new browser tab

WSSv3/MOSS SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2016
Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes
Microsoft ended mainstream support for SharePoint 2007 in October 2012. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy.
At that time, Bamboo stopped enhancements to our SharePoint 2007 product line, but continues to provide support and bug fixes to customers with active support contracts until October 2017. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2017, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2007 products in October 2016 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.
Microsoft plans to end mainstream support for SharePoint 2010 in October 2015. See Microsoft’s Lifecycle Support Policy. At that time, we will stop any enhancements for our SharePoint 2010 product line but will continue to provide support and bug fixes for our SharePoint 2010 products to customers with active support contracts until October 2020. Previously purchased licenses will continue to function after October 2020, but support for these products will end, and no additional bug fixes will be provided beyond that time. Bamboo plans to cease selling new licenses and annual support contacts for its SharePoint 2010 products in October 2019 to ensure customers will be eligible to receive support for at least one year after purchase.

Visit our website where you can get the latest info about each of our products for SharePoint 2013.

A separate installation package and license key is required for SharePoint 2013 deployment. For additional details, review the following knowledge base articles:

Bamboo Solutions has also begun releasing products for SharePoint 2016. For additional details, check the product release notes in the link above, or contact us.

For details on migration, see the Knowledge Base Article “Migrate Bamboo Products from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016”

Understanding Bamboo Releases:

  • Bamboo offers Trial, Basic and Premium support.
    • Free Trial support expires after 30 days.
    • For more information about Basic and Premium support, please see the Support Plans page.
    • There may be a fee to upgrade from a major version to another.

See Also:

Printing and Exporting Search Results

Printing and Exporting Search Results

Return to Working With Search Results

If the options to allow search result printing and exporting are enabled in the Search Results Configuration, the Print and Export to Excel buttons are available when search results are displayed.

To print results from your search:

Step Description Result
1. Click the Print button to format search results for printing and send them to your printer. sa05-2010-ExPrint.jpg

To export results to Excel:

Step Description Result
1. Click the Export to Excel button to export search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. sa05-2010-ExExport.jpg

See also:




Use the KB Picture Library link under Pictures to upload and manage images for articles or categories. The KB Picture Library is a standard SharePoint picture library.

To upload a new image:

  1. From the KB Admin site, click KB Picture Library.
  2. Click Upload and choose whether you want to upload one or multiple images. Select the file(s) to be uploaded.



3. Use the form to define the image properties, if necessary. Click Save.


  1. The image is now in the KB Picture Library.


To manage images:

From the KB Admin site Home page, click KB Picture Library.

  1. Use the toolbar to manage the picture library:
    • New: Adds a new folder to the picture library to help you organize your images.
    • Upload: Uploads one or multiple images to the picture library.
    • Actions: Use this button to perform the following actions: edit images in an image editor, delete images, download images to your computer, insert images in an e-mail or document, view images in a slide show, open the files with Windows Explorer, connect to Outlook, view RSS feeds or set up alerts on this page.
    • Settings: Creates a new column or view; manages picture library settings.

Knowledge Base Pending Questions

Knowledge Base Pending Questions

Knowledge Base Overview


Pending Questions displays the Bamboo Article Questions and Answers List, which contains questions that end users have submitted to Knowledge Base Administrators.

Answer Questions is a data view of the questions that end users have submitted. It shows the number of replies for each question, the answer status for the question, whether or not the question needs to be turned into a KB, and a list of available actions, such as Answer Question, Mark as Answered and Edit.

AvailAction.jpgThe available actions are as follows:

Click on a link above to read more detailed information about any of these actions.

These options allow Knowledge Base Administrators to better manage questions and answers to ensure that the Knowledge Base continues to be useful and beneficial to end users. For example, a question that is submitted by many end users can be marked as Need KB since it is a popular question.

To edit or modify the Bamboo Article Questions and Answers list, edit the list settings by navigating to the list and selecting Site Actions > View All Site Content > Discussion Boards > Bamboo Article Questions and Answers. Use the ribbon to edit the list settings by selecting List > List Settings.

Note:The list is blank until a user submits a question.


To answer a question

Step Action Result
1. From the Knowledge Base Admin site, click Answer Questions. AnswerQ.jpg
2. Select Answer Question from the Available Actions drop-down list for the question that you want to answer. sa05-2010-usingadmin9.jpg

In the Answer Question section underneath the data view, type your answer in the Answer field. Use the formatting options to format text, images and more.

  • Use the Design option underneath the Answer field to edit in rich text format.
  • Use the HTML option to edit in source code.
  • Click Preview to view how the answer will appear when it is submitted.
4. Click Send Answer to User to e-mail the answer directly to the end user

Click Answer Question to display the answer on the page with the question
Click Close to cancel the reply.


To edit a question

Step Action Result
1. Select Edit from the Available Actions drop-down menu. sa05-2010-usingadmin15.jpg
2. A new window displays the question in edit form.
3. Make the desired changes, then click Save.


To mark a question as answered

Step Action Result
1. Reply to the desired question. sa05-2010-usingadmin16.jpg
2. Select Mark as Answered from the Available Actions drop-down list for the desired question.
3. The Answer Status automatically changes to Yes.

To mark a question as needing a KB

Step Action Result
1. Select Mark as Need KB from the Available Actions drop-down list for the desired question. sa05-2010-usingadmin17.jpg
2. The status for Need KB automatically changes to Yes.


To view replies

Step Action Result
1. From the Knowledge Base Admin site, click Answer Questions. AnswerQ.jpg
2. The number of replies for each question are listed in the data view under Number of Replies. sa05-2010-usingadmin12.jpg
3. To view the replies, select View Replies from the Available Actions drop-down list for the desired question. sa05-2010-usingadmin13.jpg
4. A new window displays the replies in a discussion board. sa05-2010-usingadmin14.jpg


Overview of Knowledge Base

Overview of Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base allows you to create a useful, dynamic knowledge management application within minutes. KBSA features two sites: the Bamboo KB Admin site and the Bamboo KB Client site.

The KB Admin site allows Knowledge Base Administrators to create and manage articles and article categories, view reporting, answer end-user questions, and more.

NOTE: If users have Designer permission level, they can see the site and you may not want anyone making modifications until the site has been used for a certain period of time.

The KB Client site allows end users to search articles, locate articles through tree navigation, view lists of the most popular articles and recently added articles, submit questions to KB Administrators, and more. End users can print or e-mail articles or export them to PDF, as well as rate and comment on articles.

NOTE: You may want to change the name of this site rather than keep it labeled “Client Site.”

The KB Client site has two available site templates to choose from:

  • Bamboo KB Client Site – Team Site, which is based on the standard SharePoint team site
  • Bamboo KB Client Site – Meeting Workspace, which is based on the standard SharePoint meeting workspace site

KBSA-New.jpgKnowledge Base features an easy-to-use, centralized site with Administrative and Client tabs (which are linked to sites).

When you first create a KBSA site, it looks very empty; we expect you will quickly add content that is relevant to your organization using the lists that are provided in the KB Admin site. Use the navigation sidebar in the Bamboo KB Admin Site to create and manage articles, answer users’ questions, manage article images, approve and manage users’ comments, and create and manage Knowledge Base categories.

Some of the things you will want to do right away within your sites are listed below (click the links to read more details about that section):

One more area that you may consider updating very soon is who has permission to your KBSA site

Overview of Knowledge Base

Overview of Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base allows you to create a useful, dynamic knowledge management application within minutes. KBSA features two sites: the Bamboo KB Admin site and the Bamboo KB Client site.

The KB Admin site allows Knowledge Base Administrators to create and manage articles and article categories, view reporting, answer end-user questions, and more.

NOTE: If users have Designer permission level, they can see the site and you may not want anyone making modifications until the site has been used for a certain period of time.

The KB Client site allows end users to search articles, locate articles through tree navigation, view lists of the most popular articles and recently added articles, submit questions to KB Administrators, and more. End users can print or e-mail articles or export them to PDF, as well as rate and comment on articles.

NOTE: You may want to change the name of this site rather than keep it labeled “Client Site.”

The KB Client site has two available site templates to choose from:

  • Bamboo KB Client Site – Team Site, which is based on the standard SharePoint team site
  • Bamboo KB Client Site – Meeting Workspace, which is based on the standard SharePoint meeting workspace site

KBSA-New.jpgKnowledge Base features an easy-to-use, centralized site with Administrative and Client tabs (which are linked to sites).

When you first create a KBSA site, it looks very empty; we expect you will quickly add content that is relevant to your organization using the lists that are provided in the KB Admin site. Use the navigation sidebar in the Bamboo KB Admin Site to create and manage articles, answer users’ questions, manage article images, approve and manage users’ comments, and create and manage Knowledge Base categories.

Some of the things you will want to do right away within your sites are listed below (click the links to read more details about that section):

One more area that you may consider updating very soon is who has permission to your KBSA site

Toggle Anonymous Access

Toggle Anonymous Access

Step Action Result
1. Navigate to your site contents and open the Bamboo KB Client Configuration list. KBclientConfig.jpg
2. By default, this list is set to use a designated account to access data, so the end users can be anonymous. If you are using the KB internally and won’t have anyone accessing it anonymously, edit the item and uncheck the Use a Designated Account to Access Data checkbox. EditConfigLIst.jpg

You can keep this box checked if:

  1. you are using a designated account to search and display articles from the KB Admin site
  2. you are allowing anonymous access to the KB Client site.
Either way, you need to enter an email address associated to your designated account.
Or you can uncheck the box and not use a designated account. BambooError.jpg
Either option will eliminate the error message from showing up on the front page when you first create a KB Client site.

Manage Articles

Manage Articles

From the admin site, users can manage articles using the tools under “Articles” on the quick launch menu.


The “Articles” heading links displays a standard Sharepoint list format of the articles in KB. Users can manipulate items on this list, just like in any other Sharepoint list using default editing options, or buttons in the ribbon.


Data Viewer Web Part in “All Articles” and “My Articles”

The All Articles and My Articles pages use our Data Viewer web part to provide robust runtime filtering and sorting options.

“My Articles” by default only displays articles created by the logged-in user, not those only edited by the user.

To filter by a column, type a word or phrase into the filter text box and then click the filter button to select a filter condition. Users can combine filters on multiple columns to further refine their results.


All currently applied filters will display text in the column filter text box. Click on the filter button to view what filter condition is applicable.

To reset an individual column filter, click “NoFilter” from the filter menu. Or reset all filters by clicking “Reset all filters” on any of the column filter menus.

To sort by column, click on the column heading (e.g. “ID,” “Article Title,” “Article Category”). Click on the heading again to reverse the sort order.

To edit or view an item from the data viewer, hover your mouse over the “Article Title” and a small downward arrow will appear next to the title. Click on the arrow to open a menu of options. Users can also set up alerts or workflows from this menu.


Adding/Removing Columns in “All Articles” and “My Articles”

To change the columns displayed in the web part, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right containing “columns selected.” Click the checkboxes on columns to display. This feature may not be available depending on your administrator’s configuration.

add columns.png

Advanced Administrators can configure the columns available for sorting filtering by editing the web part. Column setting are found under the “Data Viewer Web Part Settings” dialog box SharePoint List or Library > Column Settings. Administrators can select which columns to display, the display name, and display order.


Data Viewer has additional configuration options including in-line editing and allowing users to add/remove columns. Consult the Data Viewer Documentation for a more complete explanation of the configuration options.

Publishing Status

If you are not using workflows to manage article publishing and would like to change the default publishing settings, edit the list settings from the ribbon on the “Articles” page. Change the default value of the Article Status column.

Categories & Types

Categories & Types

KBSA Configuration Overview


Use the Add New Category and Manage Categories links add new categories and manage or edit existing categories.

Categories are stored in the Bamboo KB Categories list. The list is prepopulated with data that you can modify. To edit the columns used in the list, edit the list settings. To do this, navigate to the list by selecting Site Actions > View All Site Content > Lists > Bamboo KB Categories. Use the ribbon to edit the list settings by selecting List > List Settings.

Note: Category permissions are documented in Permissions

To add a new category:

Step Action Result
1. From the KB Admin site, click Add New Category. quicklaunch.png
2. In the New Item form, enter the name of the new category (required); a parent category (such as Announcements & News or Articles, Tips & Tricks) to be associated with the category, if desired; and an image URL, if necessary. 1.jpg
3. Click Save. quickview.png
The new category is added to the Bamboo KB Categories list. It is displayed in the KB Tree View on the KB Admin site home. View the new category by clicking Categories.

To change a category:

Step Action Result
1. From the KB Admin site, click Search. quicksearch.png
2. Enter your search criteria and click Search. CatSearch.jpg
3. Click the Edit icon under the Update column to edit a category. 12.jpg
4. Click the Edit icon under the Update column next to the category you want to change.
Make your changes and click Save.

Managing Types

Types provide an additional way to categorize articles by function, for example, FAQs, Product Instructions, or Technical References. Types are stored in the “Article Type” column of the “Bamboo KB Articles” List.

Administrators can edit the default article types by editing the list settings and updating the values of the “Article Type” choice column.

Manage Images in Knowledge Base

Manage Images in Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base Overview

sa05006.jpgManage all images used in your articles or on your site in the Bamboo KB Picture Library.

This library stores images uploaded during article creation. Images can be directly inserted into the article content without first having to upload them to a SharePoint library. The Image Manager is accessed while creating the article content. You can insert pictures you have already uploaded, or you can upload new ones.

Listing of Bamboo Web Parts and their associated Activation DLLs

Listing of Bamboo Web Parts and their associated Activation DLLs

Use this list when you need to extend a trial with a *.lic file. See Use the provided .lic file to an extend your product’s trial period for more information.

NOTE: When products were ported to SP2010, many of the activation DLLs were moved to the GAC and remain there for SP2013. This list will tell you the name of the activation DLL and where it resides for the current release.

The GAC is the Windows Global Assembly Cache and is a location on each server in your SharePoint farm. It is typically found at c:WindowsAssembly.

If an activation DLL is not in the GAC, it will be in the BIN. The BIN refers to the BIN location within a particular web application of your SharePoint farm. A product activation DLL that resides in the BIN should be found in the BIN of all web applications where it has been deployed.

Product Activation DLL in the GAC?
Alert Plus Web Part (HW05) Bamboo.AlertPlus.DLL Yes for SP2010 and SP2013, but in the BIN for SP2007
Alerts Administrator (HW39) Bamboo.AlertsAdministrator.Application.dll Yes
Bulk Export (HW33) Bamboo.BulkExport.dll No. It is wherever you install it.
Bulk Import (HW18) Bamboo.BulkImport.exe No. It is wherever you install it.
Calendar Plus Web Part (HW20) Bamboo.CalendarViewExtended.DLL Yes
Chart Plus Web Part (HW27) Bamboo.Chart.DLL No, BIN
Column Level Security (HW41G) Bamboo.FieldLevelSecurityColumn.DLL Yes
Community Central (SA15) Bamboo.CommunityCentralPack.DLL Yes
Cross List Web Part (HW09) Bamboo.CrossList.DLL No, BIN
Cross Site Web Part (HW63) Bamboo.CrossSiteDisplay.DLL Yes for SP2010 and SP2013, but in the BIN for SP2007
Custom Identifier Column (HW41H) Bamboo.CustomIdentifierColumn.DLL Yes
Data-Viewer Web Part (HW37) Bamboo.SPGridView.DLL Yes
Discussion Board Plus (SA75) Bamboo.DiscussionBoardPlusPack.DLL Yes
File Share Library (HW60) Bamboo.FileShareLibrary.DLL Yes
Filters Collection (HW61) Bamboo.SharePointFilters.DLL Yes for SP2010 and SP2013, but in the BIN for SP2007
Grants Management (SA02) Bamboo.GrantManagementAcceleratorPack.DLL Yes
Group Email Web Part (HW14) Bamboo.GroupEmail.DLL No, BIN
Group Redirect Web Part (HW12) Bamboo.GroupRedirect.WebPart.DLL
for SP2007, it was Bamboo.GroupRedirect.dll
Hello Web Part (FW01) No Activation Required
In-Out Schedule Board (SA06) Bamboo.InAndOutScheduleBoardPack.DLL Yes
IT Productivity Pack (PB01) Separate license Keys were issued for the individual, included products (HW06: Password Change Web Part, HW07: User Account Setup Web Part, and HW10: Password Reset Web Part). This product is no longer available. Please see Password Management Toolkit for its successor.
Knowledge Base (SA05) Bamboo.KBAcceleratorPack.DLL Yes
KPI Column (HW41J) Bamboo.KPIColumn.DLL Yes
List Consolidator (HW72) Bamboo.ListConsolidator.DLL No, BIN
List Integrity Web Part (HW01) Bamboo.WebParts.LinkedList.dll (was available only for SP2007) Yes
List Print (HW50) Bamboo.ListPrint.DLL Yes
List Rollup Web Part (HW24) Bamboo.ListRollupDataSourceControl.dll Yes
List Rotator Web Part (HW21) Bamboo.ListRotator.DLL No, BIN
List Search Simple Web Part (HW11A) Bamboo.SimpleSearch.DLL Yes
List Search Advanced Web Part (HW11B) Bamboo.AdvancedSearch.DLL Yes
Lookup Selector Column (HW41AB) Bamboo.LookupPlus.DLL Yes
Mini Calendar Web Part (HW22) Bamboo.MiniCalendar.DLL Yes
My Alerts Organizer (HW40) Bamboo.MyAlerts.Application.DLL Yes
Navigators (HW55) Bamboo.Navigators.DLL Yes
Office to PDF Conversion Solutions Accelerator (BW04) Bamboo.Conversion.OOfDoc2PDF.dll No. It is wherever you install it.
Password Change Web Part (HW06) Bamboo.HelperWebParts.ChangePassword.DLL Yes
Password Expiration Web Part (HW23) Bamboo..dll Yes
Password Management Toolkit (PB01) Bamboo.PasswordManagementToolkit.dll Yes
Password Reset Web Part (HW10) HW10 R1.x – Bamboo.Utility.DLL
HW10 R2.x – Bamboo.DirectoryServices.dll
Yes, as of R2.x
PM Central (SA12) Bamboo.SharePointProjectManagementCentral.dll Yes
PM Central Mobile (SA12M) Bamboo.Web.PMC.RESTEndPoint.DLL Yes
Poll Web Part (HW38) Bamboo.PollVoting.dll Yes
Project Portfolio Dashboard (SA35) Bamboo.ProjectPortfolioDashboard.DLL Yes
Rating Column (HW41I) Bamboo.RatingColumn.DLL Yes
Rich Text Column (HW41C) Bamboo.RichText.DLL Yes
SharePoint Desktop Explorer (HW02) Bamboo.SPExplore.dll (This product is no longer available) N/A
Site Creation Plus (HW28) Bamboo.SiteCreationPlus.DLL Yes
SQL View Web Part (HW04) Bamboo.SQLView.WebPart.DLL or
(not supported in SP2013)
Task Master (HW45) Bamboo.TaskMaster.DLL Yes
Team Calendar (HW34) Bamboo.TeamCalendar.DLL Yes
Time Tracking and Management (SA12A) Bamboo.TimeTrackingManagementPack.DLL Yes
Tree View Web Part (HW03) Bamboo.TreeView.DLL Yes
User Account Setup Web Part (HW07) Bamboo.UserAccount.Setup.WebPart.DLL No, BIN
User Directory Web Part (HW08) Bamboo.UserDirectory.DLL Yes
User Manager for Sites (??)
User Management Solution Accelerator (SA01) ..Bamboo Solutions CorporationBamboo User Management Bamboo.UserManagement.ServiceFactory.dll*
User Profile Plus Web Part (HW29) Bamboo.WSSUserProfile.DLL No, BIN
User Profile Sync (HW19) Bamboo.SPProfileADSync.exe No. It is where you install it.
User Redirect Web Part (HW13) Bamboo.UserRedirect.DLL No, BIN
Validator Column (HW41E) Bamboo.ColumnValidator.DLL Yes
Video Library (HW69) Bamboo.VideoLibrary.DLL Yes
Virtual Map View Web Part (HW31) Bamboo.VirtualMapView.DLL Yes
Visual Indicator Column (HW41D) Bamboo.VisualIndicator .DLL Yes
Wiki Publisher (HW51) Bamboo.DocumentConversion.DLL Yes
Workflow Conductor (SA08) Bamboo.Conductor.License.dll Yes
World Clock and Weather Web Part (HW17) No Activation Required

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Localize Bamboo Applications or Custom Columns

Overview of the localization process for Bamboo Products

Bamboo applications and custom columns are slightly different than web parts when it comes to localizing/translating. The user interface isn’t confined to a web part, but can exist as site definitions or other custom pages. For example, the configuration of a Bamboo custom column is within the SharePoint list settings area.
The text strings that require translation are located in different files than the strings that appear in a web part.

Changing the language or text for an application or custom column is a multi-step process:


About the Language Files

Text displayed in a Bamboo application may be included in one or both of the following locations:

  • Provisioning Resources. These resources are located in the 12, 14, or 15 “Hive”, in the Resources folder. The number of the Hive depends on the version of SharePoint you are using (e.g., SP2007 has a 12 Hive, SP2010 has a 14 Hive, and SP2013 has a 15 Hive). 14Hiveresources.jpg

    The Bamboo.*.resx files include text used in site features, site definitions, list definitions, and other provisioning resource elements. Any changes you make in these files will apply to new product instances only.

  • Application/Runtime Resources. These are also located in the 12, 14, or 15 Hive, but in the CONFIGResources folder.The Bamboo.*.resx file in the CONFIG folder is different than the one included in the Resource folder.14HiveCONFIGResources.jpg This one includes text used in application pages, custom site menu actions, navigation elements, and other runtime resources. Any changes you make will apply to new and existing product instances only.

In each location, there may be multiple versions of Bamboo.*.resx files with identical content. The different files are provided for English (en-US), German (de-DE), French (fr-FR), and Spanish (es-ES). The content of all files is in English until you translate it to your language. If your site is configured to use a language that does not have a corresponding Bamboo product .resx file, copy an existing file and rename it to include the culture name for that language pack. For example, create a file for Italian by saving the default file as Bamboo.[Product].it-IT.resx. Make your changes to this new file. If your site is configured to use a specific language but you do not have a culture-specific file, the product will use the default Bamboo.[Product].resx file instead.

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: If you customize one of the default resource files provided with the product, your changes will be overwritten when you upgrade.

To avoid losing customizations, copy the customized file to a different location (not the same folder) before upgrading. After the upgrade is finished, compare the new file with your customized file to incorporate any new entries. Then copy the merged file to the Resources folder. Culture-specific files created for languages that are not provided with the product will not be overwritten during an upgrade, but you still need to incorporate new resource entries.


Editing text in resource files

Icon-WarningIMPORTANT: Before making any changes, back up your original file to a different folder.

To change text in a resource file, open it in a text editor and locate the text you want to change. Editable text is usually found between the <value></value> tags, as shown in the screen shot below. Do not modify the data tag. If you want to remove text completely, delete only the text; do not delete the <data> or <value> entries from the file, or the server will display an error message. In the example below, the editable text is highlighted in gray.


When you are finished with your changes, save the file and copy it to the appropriate Resources *folder on *all Web front-end servers in your SharePoint farm. Follow the instructions below to make your changes take effect.


Applying Language File Updates

To apply changes to Provisioning Resource Files:

If you modified the provisioning resources file, apply your changes by restarting Web services with the following command on all Web front-end servers.


NOTE: changes to provisioning resources affect new instances of the Bamboo product only; existing instances of the product are not updated.

To apply changes to Application/Runtime Resource Files:

If you modified the application/runtime resources file, apply your changes by executing the following stsadm command on all Web front-end servers. This command copies the updated resource file to the App_GlobalResources folder of each Web application. Changes apply to existing product instances and any new instances you create.

stsadm -o CopyAppBinContent

NOTE: Changes apply to EXISTING product instances AND any new instances you create.

Comments & Ratings

Comments & Ratings

Overview of Knowledge Base Solution Accelerator

Manage and Edit Comments

The comments widget appears at the bottom of each article. Users can enter comments and admins can monitor them from the “Comments” link in the quick launch menu.


Go to the “Comments” link in the quick launch to see a list of comments across KB. Manage comments by editing and saving your changes to the list:

  • To change the article a comment appears under, edit the Article ID
  • Edit comment content by editing the item column “Comments”
  • Publish/Reject comments by editing the “Status” column
  • Article Title displays the title of the Article ID of the comment. This field does not auto-update if you change the Article ID field for a comment.

To sort comments, use the filter/sort functions on the comment list. For example, filter comments by “Status” equals “Submitted” to view comments requiring moderation.

Search Comments

Use the Search function in the quick launch to search through comments by article, status, or comment content.


Advanced Comment List Configuration

To edit the columns used in the list, edit the list settings for “Bamboo KB Rating and Comments” on the Comments page. Use the ribbon to edit the list settings by selecting List > List Settings.


Administrators can change the default publishing options so that comments publish immediately without moderation. Under List Settings, click on the Status column to edit it and at the bottom of the page change the “Default Value” to “Published.”

Icon-WarningImportant: If you are using workflows to approve and manage comments, do not manually approve comments. Doing so will stop the workflow task from approving comments and the Workflow Task List will display open tasks. Choose to approve comments using only one method (workflows or manual approval).



Ratings and commenting are done separately and can independently enabled/disabled. Ratings can be found in the top section of each article. Each user is limited to one rating, although users can re-open the article and change their previously submitted rating.

Top rated articles appear under the “Top Rated” category in the “Featured” tab of the tab view WP.

Enabling/Disabling Comments & Ratings

Administrators can toggle the display of comments & ratings. Navigate to the client site and click “Site Contents” in the quick launch. Under site contents open “DisplayPopUpPage,” which will bring up a blank page displaying “Article can only be displayed when it is selected from the tree view under home.

This is the web part that displays the KB articles, however on this page it doesn’t point to a specific article and is therefore blank. Configuring this web part will toggle the display.

Edit the page and web part to bring up configuration options. Look Under the “Advanced” heading for “Article Layout.” Click on the “Comment” line item and use the arrows to toggle the comment display.

Under “Rating and Sharing Options,” un/check the “Rating” box to toggle rating displays.

Toggling either option will save the current records of ratings and comments. These options just remove them from the article display accessible to users.